11: Claw of the Eternal Beast (2)

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Shu Yue took in a deep breath, and then circulated her chi to send energy into her weapon. The bamboo stick glowed with a faint blue light. She almost dropped her sword when its weight suddenly increased, although she already expected this as it was written on the scroll.

Lu Baiyu's face lit up as he watched her. "Good, you're doing quite well. Now you can notice the change in your weapon. Don't worry, once your body gets used to the sword art, the weight of your weapon will be nothing."

Shu Yue nodded with a smile on her face, and then concentrated on her bamboo sword.

"Now that your weapon is ready, I want to see you perform," Lu Baiyu said, crossing his arms over his chest. "I will check your postures and movements."

Recalling the instructions in the scroll, Shu Yue tightened her grip on the bamboo stick. Then she spun around and aimed her weapon at a nearby bamboo. It hit the tall bamboo with a thump. A creaking sound echoed throughout the forest as the bamboo stalk cracked in the middle.

The clang of swords stopped, and the bamboo forest went silent at once. All the disciples turned their gaze at Shu Yue, who was still staring at the crack in the middle of the bamboo. She tilted her head, examining her handiwork, then turned to Lu Baiyu.

The old man's face creased in concentration as he stared at the cracked bamboo cane. Based on the look on his face, Shu Yue didn't do great. But she expected it because she didn't give her all, and she wasn't used to wielding heavy weapons.

"Your posture and movement are correct," Lu Baiyu commented as he stroked his chin. "But your attack did not do much damage to the target. Try to put more force into your weapon."

"Okay, master," Shu Yue said meekly.

"Ye Fan!" Lu Baiyu called, and a young man stepped forward.

Ye Fan was of average height and build, with broad shoulders, and dressed in a dark blue robe with a purple belt. His long, black hair and wide sleeves swayed in the breeze as he walked.

Shu Yue remembered him, of course. He was one of the disciples on whom she had bet three weeks ago in the sparring competition. He was the one who was able to win the spar without resorting to excessive violence.

Ye Fan bowed his head in front of Lu Baiyu. "Master."

"Go ahead and show her," Lu Baiyu said. "Keep your sword sheathed."

Ye Fan nodded in understanding, then walked towards the tall bamboo trees. Clutching his sword, he whirled around and thrust forward in a straight attack. As the tip of his sword sheath slammed into the thick bamboo, a gust of wind blew over, sending the bamboo stalks swaying and the leaves rustling.

Shu Yue shielded her face as several bamboo shattered into pieces.

Ye Fan raised his sword in the air. The sun glinted off the blade, and the lower hem of his robe and his sleeves fluttered dramatically in the wind. He then turned to face them and offered a small bow of his head, a little sheepishly.

Lu Baiyu was nodding, a look of pride and satisfaction on his face.

He was good, Shu Yue would give him that. Recalling the scene of him fighting in the sparring ground, Ye Fan seemed to have greatly improved. Of course he did; he was now learning the Claw of the Eternal Beast, a powerful sword art unrivaled by the techniques their clan currently owned.

Ye Fan walked over to her and stuck out his hand, a kind smile on his face. "Pleased to meet you, Chen Hui. I'm Ye Fan."

Shu Yue politely returned his smile and shook his hand. "That was amazing."

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