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Max was in the shooting range testing out a new sniper one of his dad's employees made. When he fired it the target was obliterated and a meter wide hole in wall behind it.

"What do you think young sir?" Mr. Hatsume asked.

"Perfect as always. It would be a great addition to my arsenal. I'll send you the money for it." Max said.

Now you're thinking but it's his father's employee, why not just take it? Well Max believes if they make something for him, he compensate them for their work.

"Thank you." Mr. Hatsume said.

Max took the sniper to his lab and scanned it. After scanning it his nano machines reconstruct the sniper.

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Night came and Max went home to get ready for the gala he has to attend with his father.

He got into a maroon dress that goes down to his ankles. He puts on his favorite 6 inch knee high heels. He put on some light makeup. He let his waist length hair hang loose. He looked at himself in the full length mirror.

 He looked at himself in the full length mirror

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He was satisfied with how he looked. He made his way downstairs to meet his father.

"Ah max are you ready?" His father Adrian Steel asked with a smile.

"Yes father. I hope I didn't keep you waiting?" Max asked.

"No I just finished myself." Adrian said.

They got into the car and were taken to the venue of the gala. When they got there the outside was filled with reporters. When they got out the cameras starts to flash. They waved acting professional. Once they're inside Max sighed.

"I hate the media." He said. Adrian laughed at his son's words.

"It's not that bad." Adrian said.

"Easy for you to say. You've been working with those vultures for years." Max said pouting. They made their way to a group of people. Max recognized the blonde giant immediately.

"You didn't tell me that blonde idiot would be here." Max said clearly showing his dislike of All Might. When they got there a bear dog mouse thing noticed them first.

"Ah Mr. And Mrs. Steel it's good to see you." Nezu said. Max burst out laughing.

"OMG! That just made my day. Thank you for that." Max said.

"Did I say something wrong?" Nezu asked.

"Well this isn't my wife principal. This is Max my son." Adrian said. Everyone eyes widen as they stared at Max.

"I'm pretty convincing huh?" Max said proud of himself.

"I'm sorry if I offended you." Nezu said.

"It's fine. I'm not offended. In fact that that line alone made me happy I actually agreed to come." Max said.

"I'm glad you're not offended." Nezu said.

Max left the group and got himself a glass of champagne. He walked around and saw a man with black long hair that looks like he hasn't slept in days. Out of boredom he made his way to said man.

"You don't look like you want to be here. In fact you look like you'd rather be asleep right now." Max said taking a sip of his champagne.

"And you look like you're too young to be drinking." The man said.

"Touché. Max Steel a pleasure." Max introduced himself.

"Shota Aizawa the pleasure is mine. So how old are you?" Shota asked.

"15 I'm going to apply for UA this year." Max said.

"Regular or recommendation?" He asked.

"Regular. I need to use the bathroom." Max said and made his way to the bathroom.

After he finished up he heard a commotion outside followed by gun fire and screaming. He hold his hand next to his heels and a pistol materialize.

'Good thing my shoes are nano machines.' Max thought. He equipped the silencer and load the pistol with tranquilizer bullets.

He hears the door open and hides behind it. A guy with a ski mask enters with a semi-automatic rifle. Before he could react Max has the pistol to the guy's head. Shocked the guy drops his gun.

"Why are you here and how many are you?" Max asked.

"We heard a lot of rich people would be here and there's only ten of us." The guy said. After that max shot him in the back.

"Amature." Max said and got his night vision visor on and hacked the building to shut down the lights in 2 minutes.

He made it to the ballroom the moment the lights turn off. Everyone was confused till silenced shots were heard. The lights came on to reveal nine criminals knocked out by tranquilizers and Max changing magazines.

"These guys were a bunch of beginners." Max said.

All Might came to him.

"It's dangerous to play with guns young man now hand it over." All Might said trying to be intimidating.

"Fuck off." Max said as his gun turns back into nano machines. Everyone was shocked at the way he spoke to the number one hero. He grabbed another glass of champagne and takes a sip.

"Well this party was ruined. By the way has anyone called the police yet?" Max asked bored.

After a few minutes sirens could be heard outside as police rushed inside to find everyone fine and the criminals tied up, and Max sipping champagne.

They saw All Might and immediately assumed that he was the one that saved everyone. They congratulated him. The other guests looked at Max waiting for him to say something. He put the glass down and made his way to where All Might and the officers are.

All Might saw this and waited for his next action, what he did shocked everyone. He grabbed All Mights hand and shook it.

"Thank you for saving us All Might! You're the best hero ever!" Max made it look so convincing.

"W-well all in a day's work." All Might said unsure of what's going on.

After everyone gave their statement with the version of All Might saving them.

"All Might." Detective Tsukauchi said.

"Yes?" All Might asked.

"Everyone was lying when they gave their statements. Why is that?" Tsukauchi asked.

"I don't know why but the really story is that, that boy saved us when I was of no help." All might said looking at Max while he was getting in the car with his father.

"I see. What's his quirk?" Tsukauchi asked.

"I don't know. He used a gun." All might said.

"Unless he doesn't have a license for a firearm I can't charge him with anything." Tsukauchi said.

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