Chapter 10

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A sheer torture! A whole week with endless dull work routine. The only sunshine ray was Grant's return to his home. The doctor covering for Johnny released Grant while he was updating Johnny the whole week. But why wouldn't he call her? She was asking herself the same question...She didn't have the courage ... she couldn't find the words to tell him her thoughts... He made her so nervous... She felt they had become two totally different people. She would give her everything just to turn back time to that amazing morning in Glenshee...Where they had confessed their love to each other. Despair was crawling on her. Why wouldn't he call her? She shouldn't have sent him that photo! Maybe he found it so childish!

Thank God Molly was keeping her busy with the wedding's preparations. Not much left to do though, since Molly had organized everything months ago! It was enough that Grant was healthy ! That everyone was healthy!

"Heaven I have something great to tell you!"

If Johnny was not the subject, it would not be great at all!

"You are going to Aberdeen for seminar for ten days! It will be nice, do you agree? You need some change my friend!"

Heaven was not thrilled but she didn't show it. She preferred to remain in Braemar, but she understood that Molly was concerned for her and did the best she could. It would be rather pathetic to stay in Braemar just waiting for Johnny's return. But people who are in love do exactly this! People in love make time stop, make themselves stop and just wait for their lover! She hugged Molly.

"I want you to be careful Molly! Take care of each other! I will be fine! Always! No matter what!"

Aberdeen. A purely Scottish city! Beautiful! Heaven was staying at the Globe Inn in the city. It was an amazing hotel, traditionally cultured and full of art! Every Friday there were lots of exhibitions and live music. The seminar had long hours, much to her liking! She needed to feel occupied, with her mind not wandering on her love making with Johnny! As if that was ever possible!

Wednesday night and Heaven was about to sleep early. She didn't feel like going for a walk tonight in the city. It was cold too. Lies and excuses. She just wanted to stay in her room alone with her thoughts. Thoughts overwhelmed by his image!

Her phone rang! Her eyes opened wide and her hands shook uncontrollably!

"Johnny, it's you!!"

"Heaven... You left this time!" he sounded melancholic. Oh Good ...her heart broke!

"I am attending a seminar at Aberdeen." She didn't care, she would ask him! "Are you back? Johnny why didn't you call me?? So many days and not a single word from you! I am sorry if you feel like I am complaining again but..."her voice was now lost.

That really triggered him!

"For Christ's sake Heaven! I can say exactly the same for you! You sent a picture, made me a rocket and then disappeared! Why? What have I done to deserve this? I realize that I am not the easiest man in the world but I feel like you fire me up and then throw me in the snow! And then you go away! Why? I recall telling you that we will speak when I get back but I didn't expect utter scorn from you!!"

"You've got it all wrong Johnny! I feel so inadequate for you! You make me feel like a little girl that you're watching over, waiting for my mischief, waiting to scold me! But I am just ...just..." she sobbed too hard to speak!

"Damn it Heaven! Don't do this! My hands are tied! Do you believe that if I was able I wouldn't be already there by now? Telling me all this in my face? Scolding you like a little girl as you say? And then making hot love to you the way you and only you make me do?"

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