Chapter 12

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Endless week. No matter how busy she was with the wedding's preparations, no matter how many hours she was spending with Moly, Heaven could not bear Johnny's absence. They had arranged a secret phone date every night. But this could not fill the void inside of them.

Heaven could realize that Johnny's patience had reached its limits. Every time she talked to him on the phone, he was more nervous, more anxious, as if he was angry or something. She really wanted to reassure him, to calm him down, but she couldn't find the right words. Because she felt exactly the same. She couldn't stand being away from him. They had to be together. Always. It felt like an invisible force was pulling them together.

Friday night. Molly had already given into her beauty sleep for her big day! After speaking with Johnny, Heaven took a bath and took care of the satin cream colored dress she would wear. It was so pretty and soft! She couldn't wait for Johnny to see it on her! She would be so beautiful just for him! Thank God her period was late, because it would be somehow uncomfortable to wear it.

Suddenly her eyes stopped on her calendar on her desk. She stood still for seconds. Her hand covered her mouth and she almost ran towards the desk. She started going through the pages nervously and making calculations with her mind. That wasn't possible! Or was it?? She almost fell on the chair and dropped the calendar on the floor.

It could be just her period running late, right? Besides, they have always been careful! Always? She scanned her mind carefully, remembering their every sexual encounter. Until she remembered New Year's morning. They had made love so unexpectedly, so quickly, that they didn't use a condom. Her cheeks went red! She had to be sure. There was no way though she was going at the village's pharmacies to buy a pregnancy test! It would be big news next morning!!

She was going to wake Moly up! Out of the question! Tomorrow is her day!! She wouldn't distract her with her worries! Heaven went in the bathroom and opened Moly's cabinet. Moly and Grant were having unprotected sex because a possible pregnancy would be very welcome. Heaven started searching through Moly's staff, most of them falling in the bathtub and on the floor. At last, she found it!

Should she wait until morning? Was it too early and the test would be inaccurate? Moly had four packages. If she had to, she would use all of them!!

Heaven was sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, her hands shaking. It had been 5 minutes since she had the test done, but she wouldn't dare look at it. She took a deep breath and... Two very obvious blue lines appeared. She felt dizzy. She was pregnant! Pregnant with Johnny's baby. Tears burnt her eyes! Tears of happiness! A baby with the man she adored! The man she worshiped! The man she loved more than her own life! She would take another test in the morning!

A dark thought crossed her mind. What if Johnny didn't want something like that? He had told her that he was in love with her, but this was a truly unexpected turn for their relationship! What if he didn't want a family after Julia's death? What if he just wanted a relationship with no strings attached? She covered her belly with her hand unconsciously. No. Even if Johnny was negative, Heaven would bring this baby in the world. She would raise it by herself. She would do everything. And she wouldn't ask a thing from Johnny. Her happiness turned to fear. What did she really know about Johnny?

It was the hardest night. She couldn't sleep easily and when she finally made it, strange dreams tortured her. She woke up before her alarm. She sneaked into the bathroom and took the second test. Same result immediately. She looked herself in the mirror and smiled. She would make everything work out somehow. No matter what would Johnny say. She hid the tests into her closet and went into Moly's bedroom.

The three girls, with Rachel, were so ready! Moly's parents were waiting for her in their car outside of the house. Rachel's fiancé too. Heaven would drive her car alone. The church was close to the house, but everything was too frozen to attempt walking!

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