Chapter 3

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Heaven's green eyes were swollen from the tears. Everything was horrible! Just two weeks ago she had settled in Scotland's Braemar. She started working in the village's largest hotel. Far from London, thanks to her best girlfriend that lived here, she took the big decision. Her hiring was easy and quick: managing the hotel's reservations and social events. Just 22 years old, nobody would expect her to leave the multicultural English capital, but she was just not that kind of girl! She was all alone in this world, counting on her friends. She had lost both her parents in a car accident near Bath two years ago and Heaven was the only survivor.

God knows how she had managed to finish college, with her psychology below zero. Thankfully she had managed to rent her home to a very kind and trusted family enhancing her income. Of course her parents left her a very good financial security pillow!

Life in the big city was not for her, she couldn't cope with it, so she searched for alternative solutions. Her college roommate Molly McGregor became very close friend with Heaven. She supported Heaven through every difficult moment and now they were roommates at Braemar. But Molly was just moments away from her wedding and Heaven would have to find a place of her own.

Right now, she was shocked! Last night she was driving home from a festive event at the hotel. In fact, she was running away from it and specifically from a very annoying male nurse of Braemar Health Center. She was certain that he was following her with his car. Inexperienced in driving – and in men – as she was, it was easy to get lost on the most remote spot of the village. She panicked and the car slipped on the ice. The crush was not very hard but Heaven was so shocked that she swore she would never put her hands on a wheel ever again!

And now!! She was in the house of a total stranger, with a very well treated would and her lips on fire!! Johnny... Shame covered her and broke down to tears! She had to leave his house as soon as possible! But how? Snow had covered everything, her car was ruined and her clothes too. Her panty hose was torn up, her dress covered with blood but her coat was ok. God, what a mess!! She could ask Johnny if there was a way... but how! How could she face him again? Thinking about him made her legs shake!

A soft knock on the door. "Can I come in please?"

Heaven almost shot up! She pulled the duvet up and covered herself as much as she could. "Do come in."

Johnny's heart fell to the floor. He really didn't expect to see her like that, red swollen eyes and pale white face. This morning shouldn't have taken that turn. He drew a deep breath:

"Heaven I am truly sorry for everything that happened." Everything? Deep down, he knew that he was not sorry at all about the hot kiss and her sexy body's revelation!

"Can we start over again please?"

Heaven sniffed childishly and nodded yes. Still, she had some doubts.

"Good. I understand that you can't use your cloths. All I can do is give you some of mine to warm up. How about that? I know they won't fit but..."

"I will accept any offer Johnny. This is as worse as it gets, right?"

He walked into the room, opened the gigantic metallic closet and searched through his clothes. Heaven grabbed the chance to scan his bedroom. It was so spacious with totally modern decoration. Leather brown bed, black metallic bedside table, a small leather sitting room and a black office with leather and metal of course. So minimal! It was a completely masculine room with no trace of woman's touch. Was he living all by himself? Was he single?

"Heaven", his voice brought her to reality. She stared at him.

"I am going to leave these clothes here. Do your best with them and do come down for breakfast. I am so hungry and I think you must be too!"

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