Chapter 21

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As Arthur spoke the last few words of his story, Lancelot and Yvain returned, bearing news of the archer's death. Soon after, Bedievere rode up on his charger, a female pixie healer sitting behind him and clutching his waist tightly. Her eyes were wide with fear, but upon seeing Merlin – Arthur, she forgot her terror and slid agilely from the back of the horse, rushing to him with her satchel of potions.

The five of us waited with bated breath for her judgement. Eventually, she sat back on her heels and slumped her shoulders. "I am very sorry, my Lord. I can do nothing for him. The iron and ash poisoning is too strong. Perhaps, if it were only one of the two, I could have healed him, but he is now beyond all help."

Merlin chuckled weakly. "What are the words you normally use...I told you so?"

I shook my head. "How can you even joke at a time like this?"

"I have...accepted my fate...Rora."

Lancelot and Bedievere shot each other a knowing look. Percivale had heard Merlin's story, so the news of my gender had already been broken to him. The only two surprised were Yvain and the healer.

"Rora," Yvain rolled my name around his tongue. "You are a girl."

I rocked backwards onto my butt. "Yeah. I am. I'm actually curious how the whole of Faedom had not found out before now." The spell twisting my words had faded. It seemed that as Merlin died, some of his spells were dying with him. I glanced over to my first two knights. "Though the two of you don't seem shocked."

Lancelot shrugged cheerfully. "Bedivere and I kind of guessed. You never take off that blue armour in public, and insist upon no one entering your room, even during that one time King Lot sent an assassin after you. You, my King, are also very fanatical about granting the females the same and equal rights as males. Do not fear, the two of us told no one."

Yvain shook his head slowly, as if he could not believe what was happening. "You are a girl," he dumbly repeated.

I smiled wryly. "Yes, Yvain, I am. Does this change things between us?"

Yvain looked in askance at the other knights, still seeming shell shocked by the revelation. It was Bedivere's turn to shrug. "My Lord, you have proven yourself worthy to lead, with your Merlin, or without him. In the beginning, Lance and I both thought that he was pulling your strings, but the vision you offered us truly came from you. The Fae that grew up under your rule, as well as many of the older knights who serve you, realise and believe in your goal of honour, justice, equality, and mercy. It is why they – we – I follow you."

Percivale nodded. "In the past years, my father has spoken highly of you, and I have seen for myself what kind of ruler you are, my Lord. Female or male, half-blooded Fae or pure, I am honoured to call you my King."

Yvain shook his head. "This is a huge secret you have kept from us, Ar – Rora. Is it because you do not trust us?"

I frowned. "No. I have wanted to tell you so many times. I am sick and tired of masquerading as a male, but Merlin – Arthur here promised me that our bargain would only last for five years. At the start, I hated being King. But the friendships I've made with you, all of you, changed things for me. Yes, I'm still homesick, I still miss my parents, but I can say Camelot is also my home, and you are my people. So, Yvain, will you stay and continue to be one of my knights, or will you like to return home?"

He stared at me searchingly. "You are not afraid that I will tell others of the truth?"

I crossed my legs, settling myself into a more comfortable position beside the dying Arthur. "No. It was bound to come out at some point, anyway. I'm a little afraid of what you Fae will do to me when the rest of you guys find out your High King is actually a High Queen, but I guess I'll deal with it when it comes."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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