Chapter 19

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"Today, we ride for war. We ride for victory!"

The heavily armoured male and female Fae cheered. It had taken the last two and a half years to fully integrate the two genders, but after seeing the additional magical power the females brought to the army, the male soldiers were more accepting of them. Few females volunteered, but I was optimistic that I would eventually change my subject's views on females being the inferior sex. Perhaps one day, I would finally be able to reveal my true gender. Wearing the padded armour Merlin had given me three years ago every time I was not alone was becoming tedious. Granted, it was not uncomfortable, but I was longing for a change in wardrobe.

Speaking of Merlin, he really had taken the banishment edict to heart. There had been no word or sign of him for the last two and a half years, but during that time, the Solar Court experienced peace, as did our allies Spring, Summer and Winter. After Gwenwyfar's disappearance, ties with the Spring Court had become strained, but their King's unbreakable oath to me still held true. The Autumn Court continued to refuse to acknowledge me as High Lord, but I couldn't care any less as long as they did not make trouble for the rest of the realm. Merlin's constant warnings of doom and gloom seemed unfounded until three days ago, a scout from a garrison on the edges of the Solar Court's land delivered a report of an unforeseen army of Fae marching out from the depths of the Gwyrd Forest, a leafy expense which did not belong to any Court. A sliver of the forest curled around the back of Camelot's castle, not enough to hide an army of this size. This force had to have come from deep within the Gwyrd Forest, slowly growing in numbers until it was a force to be reckoned with.

The garrison from which the scout had arrived from had already been overrun. Hence, my immediate mobilisation of the army. I had also called on Summer and Winter to aid me, as they bordered my kingdom, and it was arranged that they would attack from the rear while I led an offensive from the front. Now, we stood facing the daunting army whose banners bore a symbol that proclaimed them the Fate's Hand. I licked my lips nervously. Blood and gore still sometimes haunted my dreams from what was now called the Battle for Spring, and I was not looking forward to what could very well be war if this was not a decisive victory. But for my people, I could not allow the Fate's Hand to take over my kingdom.

"For the kingdom! For the Solar Court!" I called and drew Excalibur from its sheath. The crystal blade winked in the sunlight as Llamrei neighed and reared beneath me, jutting the sword higher into the air as I held it above my head. My army roared.

"For the king! For Arthur Pendragon!" They yelled back, drawing their weapons. I wheeled Llamrei to face the army of the Fate's Hand, unnervingly silent as they prepared for our attack.

"Charge!" I hollered, and spurred Llamrei into a gallop down the hill, drawing my other shortsword so I could fight two handed. Behind me, whoops, howls, and shrieks rang out as the army dashed forward, the forerunners fanning out in front of me and crashing into the ranks of the enemy. Clenching my jaw, I directed Llamrei with my knees as I plunged into the bloodshed.

"My Lord! Stay with us! Don't want you getting lost now," Lancelot called out as he, Yvain, Bedivere and Percivale rode up on either side of me. Yvain lashed out with a spear of ice at one of the soldiers attacking me, piercing the head with such great force that the icicle went clean through the skull. I winced as blood splattered my face.

Scrubbing my cheek with the back of my armoured knuckles, I swallowed, already tasting a metallic tang on my tongue. Even as the enemy died before us, none of them cried out in pain or for mercy. In contrast, my army's cries were resoundingly loud as the superior numbers started to crush my smaller force. Without the numbers of Summer and Winter to aid us, we would soon be lost. Pellinor and Urien had better arrive soon.

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