"A little sweetheart. I never thought I could be this happy again. Melissa, thank you." Hunter says as he blows Melissa a kiss.

"You're welcome, baby. Thank you for keeping me level headed and calm while I had that sweet boy you're holding." Melissa says as she kisses Beau on the head.

"Joey!" Beau says in lots of excitement.

"That's right, Beauy. That's your baby brother! Joey loves you!" Melissa says with a cheeky grin.

"I forgot to ask, Mel. Where did you have Joey?" Ashley asks her sister-in-law.

"Hunt and I had Baby Joey at a birthing center. Best decision we ever made. And Hunter was the one that caught him which made his birth even more memorable." Melissa says with a smile.

"We stayed there for three days after Joey was born and Beau was so happy to meet his brother when we came home. Finn and Maisy were in town when Mel went into labor. So they were able to watch Beau while we were away." Hunter explains to his sister.

"Aww, that's so sweet." Ashley says as she awes and smiles.

"Kathleen, Maisy, Finnegan, Naomi, Peter, Hallie, Natalie and Little Hunt should be here in about twenty minutes." Jill says out loud.

"Ma Ma! Da da!" Jacob says with baby food all over his face.

"Yes, buddy? Are you excited for the Easter Roll? Will you help Mama read a book during the event?" Joe asks Jacob and Jacob giggles.

Eugenia and Bonny both giggle as well, causing all of the adults to smile.

"Are Doug's children coming today?" Joe asks Jill as he sits near the three high chairs.

"No, they are with their mom today but they sent a goodie box for Jacob, Eugenia, Bonny, Beau, Joey and Devi." Jill says with a grin.

"What's inside?" Ashley asks her mom curiously.

"A bunch of stuffed animals, toys, and candy." We'll be eating most of the candy since they most of the babies don't have enough teeth yet. But we might let the babies suck on a couple lollipops. It'll be good for their gums." Jill says with a smile on her face

"Oooooooo! Candy!" Beau says with lots of excitement.

"That's right Beauy. You get to have some candy later! How exciting!" Melissa says to her oldest son.

"By this time next year, Joey will be able to have some and I can't freaking wait." Hunter says with a smile on his face.

"Mmmm!" Bonny says as she finishes her breakfast.

"Was your breakfast yummy, Bon Bon?" Ashley asks Bonny and Bonny giggles.

"One more big bite, Eugenia!" Howard says, feeding Eugenia her last bite of baby food.

"Yum!" Beau says finishing up his breakfast.

Jill wipes off Jacob's mouth and smiles at him.

"We need to get ready. What time does the Easter Roll start?" Joe asks Jill.

"All the Easter festivities are from 7:30 am - 6:30 pm. The roll races will start at I believe 11 am. The military families will start arriving at 9 am." Jill says to everyone.

"We need to start getting these cuties dressed and ready then." Joe says, smiling at Jacob, Bonny, Eugenia, Beau and baby Joey.

Jacob, Bonny and Eugenia all babble loudly while Beau claps his hands in excitement.

"We need to call Kamala and Doug to make sure all of them are on time too." Jill says as she picks up Jacob and holds him close.

Joe & Jill: A Miraculous Little Surprise Where stories live. Discover now