LXVI. Meet Me At Cherry Hill

Start from the beginning

I messaged Jaden and told him to meet me by the Cherry Hill, there was a cherry Hill a couple of blocks down from here where there was a cherry blossom tree blooming.
Jaden quickly replied and told me he would be there in a bit, I smiled and began to walk outside of my house.

As I walked down the blocks, I found myself smiling like an idiot because of the idea of being with Jaden again.
When I arrived to the hill, I hiked up and sat under the cherry tree where I was shaded from the sun.

I closed my eyes and made sure I had my thoughts calm and collected before Jaden came, I didn't want him asking any questions or worrying because I had a big mood swing that ruined my morning.
You know, my ten year old self would be angry at me because I had promised that I would have already let go of what had happened when I was in elementary and middle school.

"If it isn't my favorite girl, what's up princess."

Jaden greeted, making me open my eyes and smile at him.
I watched as he sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him and not letting go.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to spend some time with me and the Cherry tree?"

I wasn't lying nor was I telling the truth, I just, well I don't know.
What I did know was that I can't tell Jaden what was on my mind, that's a mood killer and I didn't wanna be a buzz kill.

Jaden looked at me like it was a stupid question, I looked at him and smiled.
So for the whole afternoon, we stood under the blossoming tree and took in the scenery.

"You remember when you fell down the stairs?"

I asked as a laugh began to crawl from my throat and left my lips, I looked at him as he looked at me with a serious look.
He pursed his lips and sighed dramatically, looking away from me.

" You're so funny, you got me rolling on the floor. "

Jaden told me sarcastically, I laughed at his sass.

"I'm hilarious, I know."

I responded as I flipped my hair dramatically and looked at him for a moment we were silent and then we began to laugh like idiots, we held our stomachs as we calmed down.
I know what I said wasn't funny but when you're with anyone you love a lot, you know that it would be funnier than intended.

"You're my future wife, did you know that?"

Jaden asked as we watched the clouds move, I looked at him as butterflies attacked my stomach.
What was I meant to say, I couldn't top that and we both knew that.

"Really? Then I guess you're my future husband."

I retorted, Jaden smiled and looked at me as he grabbed my hand and interlocked fingers.
We looked at one another and shared a kiss before pulling away and taking in each other's presence.

"Scarlett Walton, has a nice ring to it."

Jaden informed me as he kissed my cheek, I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked at him.

"Nope, Jaden Delmonico sounds better than Scarlett Walton."

I disagreed with him, Jaden raised his eyebrows and nodded which meant that if and when we get married, he would take my last name.
Which meant that I didn't need to change a single thing but he did, I wonder if he always thought this way.

~ Third Person's POV ~

What Scarlett didn't know was that Jaden thought of it every single day of his life since they started their relationship, nobody but Jayla and Javon knew though.

Jaden even had a scrap book hidden under his bed covered with sneakers, it was filled with photos of them.
He had gotten the idea of a scrap book when he saw Jayla making one with her girlfriend, Cora.

What nobody knew except for Jaden was that, Jaden didn't care about age or anything of that.
He wanted to marry her right on the spot after they shared a kiss on the cherry Hill under the cherry blossom tree.

But Jaden knew he couldn't just yet.

But he would, someday.

Jaden knew he would, because he couldn't risk losing his girl.
Scarlett is one in a million, anyone who caught a glimpse of her knew.

That's why he had promised himself the night they got back together, that he would never pull that stupid stunt again.
Jaden knew how special Scarlett was.

Jaden will forever know how special Scarlett is.

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