LIII. Family Tree Project

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Chapter 53, Family Tree Project

" Think of it this way, all hot girls have issues with their parents or something. "

~ Scarlett's POV ~

"Okay, we are going to be doing a project. The project is on your family tree, everything you know about your parents and their ancestors, write to down."

As the bell rung, I gathered my things and left my science class.
The whole point of the project is to find the similarities between you, your parents and your ancestors.

I waited by the front doors for Xiomara so we could do our project together but she never came, I shrugged it off and thought she wanted to work at her house.
So I walked home and changed into my pajamas, I had to take a moment to decide what I wanted to wear.

Scarlett's Pajamas

 Scarlett's Pajamas

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"No way, I have pockets!"

I gushed as I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked downstairs, I decided to plan out everything I wanted to look for, got my project.
I was going to use Alana and my dad for the project so I had to get DNA from them and then see what their ancestors were, I needed this project to look as good as they can.

As I rummaged through a drawer, I grabbed an empty notebook and began to plan out everything.
The questions I were to ask, the supplies I may or may not need and a playlist to listen to while doing all of this.

After some time of being alone in silence, I decided to call Xiomara but it only went to voicemail.
I tried messaging her but I didn't get a reply, after ten calls, fifteen FaceTimes and about thirty messages sent, I was now worried and in my room changing into sweat pants and a baggy shirt.

I ran to my car, Xiomara didn't have the best childhood and she still doesn't have it.
She's even expressed to me that I was the best thing to happen to her and her family, hell she's even told her father about me.

As I sped through roads and trying to calm my thoughts, I made it in front of the building.
I parked my car and ran out of the car, as I ran into the building, I spammed the button of the elevator.

The elevator didn't seem to hurry up, I decided to rush and take the stairs which weren't in the best condition but it was the least of my worries.
As my phone began ringing, I didn't bother checking it.

I reached to her floor and ran out of the stairwell, I looked to the left and ran down to where her apartment is.
Out of breath, I reached to her door and banged loudly.

I know I should've been respectful but wouldn't you be worried if you're best friend wasn't answering anything?
Besides Xiomara has expressed to me something disturbing and I thought she had done something she would regret.

As Esperanza opened the door, I hugged the old lady and walked inside.
Quickly running to Xiomara's door and knocked on her door rapidly, I heard shuffling and sniffling as someone approached the door.

I was met with a teary-eyed, red-nosed Xiomara.
My heart sank as I pulled her into a tight hug, stroking her hair and rubbing her back as I moved into her room and closed the door.

"What's going on?"

I asked softly as I smiled at her, she sighed and looked away from me.
I'm not about to push it any further so I looked away and we sat there in silence until she shuffled away from and stood up, I thought I did something wrong.

I watched as Xiomara walked to her vanity and pulled out a photo of her and her parents.
They looked happy together but that's when it had all came to me, it was clicking and I understood why she was the way she was.

"You can't do the project because of your parents... Can you?"

I asked the dumbest question, I'm aware but she nodded and started to sob again.
I grabbed the photo and placed it on the vanity before pulling her in a hug, we sat down on the bed.

"It's just not fair! Everyone I know have their parents even if they're not present emotionally, they have them!"

Xiomara spoke out as she looked at me, I felt bad because I know she meant me as well.
I felt my cheeks grow crimson red in embarrassment before looking at her and smiling.

" Think of it this way, all hot girls got issues with their parents or something. "

Okay that was something dumb to say but it made her laugh and that's all that mattered to me, she grabbed my hand and smiled.

"I love you a lot Scar, even when you act like a seven year old."

Xiomara told me as she nudged me playfully, I gasped dramatically and looked at her.

"I love you a lot more Mars, even when you act like a Hispanic grandmother that wants to hit me with wooden spoon."

I joked as Xiomara looked at me, we both laughed and laid on her bed.
Staring at the ceiling as we spoke about her father, turns out he's calling tomorrow and Rosalía will be talking to him.

I didn't even know they weren't fully related, but that doesn't mean I don't love them any less.

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