XXXVI. Backstabber

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Chapter 36, Backstabber

" I say this in a respectful manner, you have gone too far this time. So I'm gonna have to ask you to step outside. "

~ Scarlett's POV ~

After the interaction with Xiomara, I took my moment to breathe and process the breakup.
I took my time to pick out my outfit for tomorrow, after doing that I decided to call Jaysean.

"Now what in the peter piper picked a pepper did you just tell me?"

Jaysean asked after I told him that I wasn't going to get back with Jaden, I looked at him and kissed my teeth before nodding.

"Not gonna force you to be with him but, Jarlett is endgame!"

Jaysean explained, I laughed at his sentence.
I mean I didn't disagree with him, I understood where he was coming from.

Soon we hung up, I walked to my bathroom and took a shower.
I took thought in what Jaysean told me, I'm not gonna listen to him quite yet.

After my shower, I ate dinner and laid in bed, I watched Netflix for a bit until I finally felt tired.
I turned everything off and covered myself with a weighted blanket, I soon felt myself drone away to slumber.

My alarm woke me up which I wasn't ready for, I got up and rubbed my eyes as a yawn left my lips.
I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, as I was rummaging through my closet, I was listening to 'Treehouse' by Alex G.

Once I found an outfit I liked, I changed and went onto do my hair.
I didn't put any makeup on because, natural queen.

I'm just joking, I'm too lazy for that right now.
I mean, it's six in the morning and I'm just not in the mood to put anything on my face other than chapstick and mascara.

Scarlett's Outfit

Scarlett's Outfit

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I walked downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and made myself some lunch.
I grabbed an apple and walked to the living room, Xiomara and I were going to walk to school together.

"Good morning sweetie."

Alana smiled groggily as she walked downstairs, she was wearing a button up oversized shirt and shorts.
I smiled at her and hugged her tightly, she kissed my forehead.

"Can I talk to you? About Jaden."

I asked softly, she nodded slowly and grabbed my hand.
We sat down on the couch and we spoke about how I was feeling and what was going to happen.

" If the love between y'all is written in the fate then he'll come back to you, they always do. "

Alana advised me, I looked at her and nodded in agreement.
Soon there was a knock at the door, she kissed my forehead and said goodbye.

I walked outside and grabbed Xiomara's hand, we began to speak about what we were going to do today.
Xiomara began to explain to me that she woke up with a bad gut feeling, I nodded.

"So like, you just don't trust anyone?"

I asked as we walked into the school, we headed to our lockers.

"I trust our friend group but anyone outside of it, it's like giving me bad juju."

She explained her feeling as she made hand gestures, I stifled my laugh and closed my locker.
We walked to the cafeteria and sat with our friends, Jaysean was still on the fact that "Jarlett" should be alive.

"Willow looks off, like she's all ants in her pants. You know?"

Javon questioned, causing the whole table to look at the girl's way.
She was sitting alone but she was shaking her leg, I looked at Javon.

"No Baldi, I don't know."

I answered with a laugh following, Xiomara was staring bullets at the girl.
I was about to tell her to look away when she got up all of a sudden and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Cuando esté en necesidad, sea entrometida de hecho."

(When in need, be nosey indeed.)

Xiomara got up after saying that and walked out of the cafeteria, I grabbed Javon's arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria.
Everyone trailing behind me, by everyone I mean Layla and Jaysean.

Xiomara was stood around the corner, peaking her head out.
I stood behind her and grabbed her shoulder, she jumped and shoved me out of reflex.

"¿Eres tonto? Nunca te acerques sigilosamente a una persona hispana."

(Are you dumb? Never sneak up on a Hispanic person.)

Xiomara said as she resumed her stalking, I rolled my eyes and stood beside her.
My heart dropped as I watched Meredith walk up to Willow and hand her something, Xiomara was quick on her feet.

"I knew it! I actually knew it!"

Xiomara exposed them as she slapped the devil out of Willow and slapping Meredith, I ran over to her and stared at the two girls.
Willow looked at me and looked away.

"Apologize! Say you're sorry, but don't just stand there looking like some damn hooligans!"

Xiomara shouted, catching the attention of some students who were arriving to the school.
I was speechless, I could tell they were too.

"I'm so sorry Scarlett, I didn't mean to hurt you in any way."

Willow apologized, I didn't even respond before my hand clashed with her face.
Javon stood beside me and gave me a side hug, I was now his height.

Jaysean looked at Xiomara and whispered something in her ear, I swear to God if it has something to do with Jarlett-

"Also Meredith, it's your fault Jarlett's over!"

Jaysean shouted, I looked at him and erupted in laughter.
He looked at me and smiled sheepishly, Meredith rolled her eyes as if Xiomara won't go full Hispanic mom on her.

"¿Acaba de rodar su... acaba de rodar sus ojos hacia mí?"

(Did she just... Did she just roll her eyes at me?)

Xiomara took her earrings off and placed her curly hair into a bun, she looked at me.
I nodded and took my earrings off.

" I say this in a respectful manner, you have gone too far this time. So I'm gonna have to ask you to step outside. "

Xiomara got all in Meredith's face, Meredith rolled her eyes once more and nodded.
Willow looked at me and scoffed, like didn't you just apologize to me?

"Willow I thought you were chill but instead you're not, how do you feel?"

I questioned and looked at her, Willow looked at me.

"I feel bad, I really do but I was just in it for the money."

Willow explained, I nodded slightly and walked closer to her.

"Well I hope getting dragged is worth it, you know? For the money."

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