L. Plant Project

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Chapter 50, Plant Project

" Just because we aren't the same gender doesn't mean I won't drop you. "

~ Xiomara's POV ~

"Stop, stop, stop!"

I spoke out to Scarlett as she began to mix the cupcake batter really wild, I took the whisk away from her and sent her to go put the cupcake holders in the pan.
She looked at me like a lost puppy that had been sent away before doing what I told her to do, she finished way quicker than I expected her to.

"So how's Jiomara doing?"

Scarlett asked nonchalantly as she looked in my fridge, this girl is always up in my fridge like she pays rent.
She took out two caprisuns and handed me one, I shrugged and continued to whisk the batter.

"We're doing good actually, honeymoon phase right now."

I told her as I began to pour the batter into the pan, Scarlett wiggled her eyebrows and squealed.
She is the definition of childish but I love her, nobody can replace her even if they tried.

"You're something else, did you know that?"

I asked as I allowed her to put the pan in my oven and set the timer, we were making Chocolate Chip muffins but I call them cupcakes because I add frosting and sprinkles.
Scarlett just chuckled and grabbed my hand, leading me to the living room.

"So how's everything with the baseball kid?"

I watched as Scarlett bit her lip and looked around as if she was trying to use something to distract herself with, I placed my hand on her knee and looked at her.

"Did something happen between you?"

I asked her now being concerned, Scarlett broke out in a smile and hugged me tightly.

"Everything is going good, we're already on our last month of school and the wedding is right around the corner."

Scarlett gushed out details, which was the start of us going on Google and looking at images of dresses we were going to wear.
Once the timer went off, I ran over to the kitchen and took the pan out of the oven.

"Jessica asked if we can pick up Daelo from little league."

Scarlett informed me as she helped me frost the "cupcakes", I smiled at the thought of seeing Daelo since he's everyone's favorite.
I agreed to go with her as I added all the cupcakes in a container and began to put on my shoes, Scarlett grabbed her car keys from the counter and we walked downstairs.

"Damn, I forgot we had a plant project due on next Friday."

Scarlett reminded me, we both began to laugh as we entered her car.
I put on my seatbelt as we drove out to the baseball field, it wasn't funny but it was because we both didn't start working on it.

Once we arrived, we got out of the car and ran to the dug out.
We searched for Daelo who was easily found, he was on the field sulking and we didn't know why.

Scarlett ran over leaving me in the dust, this little boy was either like her son or her little brother.
As I reached to them out of breath, Scarlett was pointing at a little boy and his older brother.

"Day, what happened?"

I asked as I whispered in his ear, he didn't say anything but he just looked up at me and that's when it was clear as day.
Daelo had a busted lip, I watched as Scarlett screamed for the two boys to come over.

At this point I knew what was about to go down and I took my phone out, I began to dial Jaden's number as I watched the boys walk over.
Scarlett had her hair in a ponytail but she didn't take her earrings off, as her fists were clenched and her jaw was locked, Jaden picked up.

"Hey Xio, what's up?"

Jaden greeted me, I didn't know how I should begin but I looked at Scarlett who was in the older boy's face screaming.

"Scarlett's screaming Daelo's teammate's brother because the teammate hit Daelo, I need you to come before it gets out of-"

I was cut off when Scarlett was shoved back which caused Daelo to slap the younger brother, I watched Scarlett begin to take her earrings off.

" Just because we aren't the same gender doesn't mean I won't drop you. "

Scarlett threatened as she walked back to the boy's face and glared at him, before anything happened, Jaden was sprinting on the field.
He looked like an idiot and I would tell him, but I wouldn't want to be mean.

"You looked like an idiot running."

I told him as he reached us, Jaden rolled his eyes playfully and wrapped his arms around Scarlett's waist, pulling her back.

But as he did so, Jaden looked at Daelo's face and let go of Scarlett.
He whispered something to Daelo which resulted in the little kid getting rocked, Daelo slapped the hell out of the kid.

"Now they're even, piss off."

Jaden spoke to the boys before grabbing Daelo's hand and walking us to our car.
Now why am I always the third wheel with them?

I was in the back with Daelo, playing Roblox as the two were up front being disgustingly cute.
I'm about to crash this car if the Lord don't make it stop.

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