XIX. Watch Your Back

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Chapter 19, Watch Your Back

" Me? Threatening you? Never! It's just a promise. "

~ Xiomara's POV ~

Today was pretty much very boring, the only entertaining thing was when Scarlett slapped Jaden and Meredith.
I'm still angry at that, like how can you do that to someone so sweet?

God, I really dislike boys at times.
But Jaysean's an excepted because he's nice and he's really supportive.

"Are you even listening?"

Scarlett asked as we began to walk to our History class, I was not at all listening although I was looking at her directly in her eyes.
That's how it is at times, you can look the person right in their eyes and still not hear a thing they said.
I shook my head, Scarlett laughed and grabbed my hand as we walked inside the classroom.

"I totally forgot, I left my phone in the locker."

Scarlett spoke out, I nodded and watched as she ran out of the classroom before the teacher head noticed we even arrived.
I took our usual seats in the back by the window, that's when Jaden and Meredith entered the room.

It completely slipped my mind that they also had this class with us, I rolled my eyes and watched as Scarlett quickly walked inside and sped walked towards me.
She has her song Writing notebook with her as well, she looked at me and then back at her now Ex and Meredith.

That's when she opened her notebook and began to write, there was occasional scoffs and chuckles coming from her side of the table but I let it be.
I peered over her shoulder and looked through the page, I didn't get to see much other than her name and the song name.

By Scarlett Elizabeth Delmonico

I didn't get much to see after that since the bell rung, I grabbed my things and waited for Scarlett to finish tying her shoes.
As I was waiting, I watched the two losers leave the classroom and that's when I had a bad idea.

You know the song by Ariana Grande, Bad Idea?
Yeah, that started playing in my head.

I got bad idea!
Forget about it, yeah! Forget about him yeah, forget about me.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna wash my hands and refill my water bottle."

I told Scarlett as I grabbed my very full water bottle, I left the class room and looked left to right.
Finally, I saw where they were and ran up to them.

"Look, I just got to this place and thought you were chill. But you're far from it, if I catch you messing with my girl, Scarlett. I'll make sure las personas a las que llamas matones de mi lugar, te atrapan. "

(The people you can thugs from my place, get you. )

Meredith knew Spanish, I knew and so did Jaden.
She looked at me and scoffed, she wasn't as intimidating as she thought she was.

"Is that a threat Xiomara? Are you threatening me?"

She asked the most dumbest question ever, no wonder Scarlett can't with her.
I looked at her as she tried to get in my face but was failing terribly, I decided to get all up in hers.

" Me? Threatening you? Never! It's just a promise. "

I turned around and left the two looking dumbfounded, I walked back to Scarlett who was standing by the cafeteria since we had lunch at this hour.
She smiled at my presence and grabbed my hand, we walked to the cafeteria together and sat down beside our friend group.

"Mars, your phone is ringing."

Javon informed me as he took a bite out of his sandwich, I looked at my phone and sighed as it was my grandmother.
I thanked him for letting me know and grabbed my phone, I walked to the bathroom and clicked accept.

"Abuela, todavía estoy en la escuela. ¿Está todo bien?"

( Grandma, I'm still in school. Is everything okay?)

I asked as well as I informed her that I was no where near done with my school, I heard her sigh and take a moment to answer me.

"Xiomara, ¿recuerdas dónde dejé mi medicamento?"

(Xiomara, do you remember where I placed my medication?)

My grandmother asked me, I sighed of relief.
You see, my grandmother has had moments where she had to go to the hospital due to overdoses, heart attacks and her blood sugar going low.

Ever since I've had the scare of my life where I had to drop everything and take Rosalía our of school to run to the hospital, where I was told if I was not careful with my grandmother, she would pass away, I made sure she was okay.
I told her to call me if she couldn't remember something or if she didn't feel alright and needed to go to the hospital.

"si, los coloqué en la mesita de noche donde está la lámpara."

(Yes, I placed them on the night stand where the lamp is.)

Soon she hung up the phone, I left the bathroom and walked back to the cafeteria.
I sat down and engaged in the conversation, occasionally I caught Scarlett staring at Jaden but she looked away fast.

"Come over and study with me, my abuela is cooking Tamales."

I suggested, Scarlett and I were now in our last class which was Algebra 2.
We barely paid attention to the class but still had a passing grade, Scarlett looked at me and accepted the invitation.

Once the bell rang, we booked it out the school and ran to her car.
She smiled at me as we buckled in and began to drive to my house, I was stunned when she wasn't afraid of my neighborhood.

I was really surprised when she spoke Spanish to me, I thought she didn't know a lick of it but I was proven wrong.

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