XXXV. Treehouse Lover

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Chapter 35, Treehouse Lover

" I have mixed emotions! I love him but I hate him for what he did, maybe I shouldn't get back with him. "

~ Xiomara's POV ~

"You look so stupid."

I mumbled to Scarlett as she tried to do different hairstyles, she was trying to look good for Jaden.
Scarlett looked at me and chuckled at my bluntness before walking over to me, she grabbed my hand and sat down on her bed with me

"I feel kind of bad Xio, like I wanted revenge but maybe I should've just spoke to him?"

Scarlett responded which sounded more like a question, I looked at her and sighed.
Bless her heart, she can't be vengeful without guilt wrapping it's arms around her neck.

"Just explain to me how you feel Scarlett, you can't keep apologizing for something that wasn't your fault. Yes, you did want to make him jealous but you wouldn't have to do that if he didn't give you mixed signals."

I didn't know where all this wise advice came from, deep down I did know but I just didn't want to dig it up.
Scarlett looked at me, teary eyed and let out a shakey laugh.

"I don't, want to dig deep and explain how I feel, because I don't know how I feel."

Scarlett spoke out as she let a few tears slip, this was an emotional topic considering the girl she has issues with took her boyfriend.
This all seems like some messed up Wattpad story that's so cliché, we all know those types right?

"You have to have some type of emotion towards Jaden, we all know how you feel towards Meredith."

I murmured to her, she looked at me and moved away a bit.
She looked like she was fighting everything inside of her, I put my hand on her shoulder.

" I have mixed emotions! I love him but hate him for what he did, maybe I shouldn't get back with him. "

I looked at her and sighed, I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.
She's sixteen, going through a heartbreak that she didn't even decide to sit down and process and on top of it all, I didn't know how to help her.

Doesn't it hurt more when you or your friends know that there's nothing they can do to help you or them because, because you're worried what you say will harm them more?
I'm feeling that way right now, I just allowed her to sob quietly into my shoulder.

Once she was ready to calm down and speak to me, I sat there and allowed her to rant.
I grabbed her hand and stand up slowly, she always felt better when she wrote music and sang it so I grabbed her notebook and guitar.

"Sing a cover of a song, make it your version though."

I explained as I handed her things, she looked at me and nodded as she grabbed a red pen and began to rewrite a song.
She took a whole ten minutes to rewrite, I got up and grabbed her vlog camera.

"Welcome to Scarlett's channel, I'm Xiomara and we're here to present a cover song of.."

My voice trailed off as I looked down at the notebook to see what song she chose, she sent me a soft smile.

"Treehouse, by Alex G. Take it away Scarlett."

I placed the camera down correctly and sat down beside her, she smiled at me as she began to strum.

"'Do Not Enter' is written on the doorway, why can't everyone just go away? Especially you, you can't stay."

Scarlett began to sing, her voice was smoothe as honey but low.
I watched as she took another shakey breath and chuckled.

"I brought you here, to my treehouse. Where I sit and talk really loud, now back sitting all by myself."

I fixed the camera a bit and decided to hum along to her singing, she looked at me and smiled.
We both listen to the song at 3AM because it made us feel alive.

"I'm the captain, I wish you were my deputy. It really hurt when you rejected me, I sigh as I watch you leave."

The rest of the video was blur for me, I spaced out humming but zoned back in when she finished strumming.
I smiled at her and stopped the video, she got up and put everything away.

Have you ever felt a type of way towards your best friend? Like their your sister or brother or sibling so you have to protect them?
That's how I feel with Scarlett, she and I have gotten so close over the months.

"Just, breathe and let yourself process everything."

I advised Scarlett as she walked me downstairs, she nodded and hugged me goodbye.
Before she could close the door, I pulled her into another hug and rubbed her back.

"Thank you for being the piece of mind I don't have."

Scarlett thanked me softly, I nodded and kissed her forehead before closing the door and walking to my house.
As I was walking to my building, I couldn't stop thinking about Jaysean and Scarlett.

Weird isn't it? I'm new to this town and I already have a great best friend and a good crush.
Everything seems to good to be true, but I'm not about to jinx anything.

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