IV. In N Out Of Boredom

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Chapter 4, In N Out Of Boredom

" She doesn't seem like she's devilish, y'all are overdramatic. "

~ Jaden's POV ~

"Okay, trick question."

Scarlett spoke out, we were sitting in a booth at the ice cream parlor with Xiomara.
I looked up from my phone and gave her my full attention, she looks at me and smiles at me.

"Hit us."

Xiomara replied as she took a spoonful of her ice cream, she had strawberry sherbet, I had chocolate chip and Scarlett got cookie dough.
She took a moment to take a bite out of her cookie dough and sighed dramatically, I hated when she does this because it creates suspense and she knows I'm impatient.

"Chocolate Chip mint, yay or nay?"

She finally asked, Xiomara quickly shut it down and said no.
Now both girls were looking at me as if the world depended on my answer, I looked at them and did a dramatic sigh before saying no.

Javon liked it but I didn't, pretty sure the kid's adopted but I can't be too sure because then that means I was also adopted but I'm way too pretty for that.
Scarlett and Xiomara continued to conversate as I was zoning out, I was pretty exhausted.

That's when Scarlett rolled her eyes and scoffed, she looked at the door causing me to look at the door as well.
There stood Meredith Coleman, she was the school's mean girl.

Pretty disrespectful, she and I used to go out until she cheated on my with a kid on the football team.
Pretty heartbreaking if you asked me, which you should because if you asked her then she would just deny it.

"Who is that, why did you scoff?"

Xiomara asked, I thought she was joking but I remembered she just moved her so she doesn't really know anyone but us.
Scarlett began to fill her in, she didn't leave any vacant spots.

"She's devilish, she's like a spitting Cobra. She'll sick her teeth in you, pour her venom and like blind you!"

Scarlett muttered as Meredith walked past the table, I grabbed her hand and bit the inside of my cheek to stifle my laugh.
I looked at her and kissed her forehead, Xiomara looked behind us and looked at Meredith then looked back at us.

" She doesn't seem like she's devilish, y'all are overdramatic. "

Xiomara finally spoke, I looked at her liked she had three heads.
Scarlett wanted to prove her wrong so she walked up to Meredith's table, only for Meredith to raise her middle finger and roll her eyes.

Scarlett wanted to throw some hands but she returned to the table, she took a moment to control herself before she spoke again.

"Not an angel, she's a demon."

Scarlett finally said, Xiomara nodded and we got up from the booth.
We threw out the empty cups and walked to the car, the day wasn't over since the sun was still out so we decided to walk to the park.

We had the car parked at the corner so we were fine, we ran to the swings and sat down.
Xiomara is a chill person to hang around with, although she sides with Scarlett all the time.

"You seem bored out of your mind, what's up?"

Scarlett whispered over to me, I shrugged considering I didn't really know what was wrong with me.
I still liked being around Scarlett but it was like a daily routine, I wasn't getting excited anymore.

Maybe we needed to do something together, like going on a date would make the excitement return.
I mean it is the honeymoon phase, we were bound to get sick of each other soon and then go back to loving each other.

"Jaden, what's up? You've been silent all day."

Scarlett broke the silence, we were now in the car driving home after dropping Xiomara off at home.
I just shook my head and closed my eyes not really in the mood to answer any questions, Scarlett sighed and parked the car.

"Well, Goodnight Jaden."

Scarlett got out of the car, I did as well.
I walked over to her and tried to kiss her goodnight but she swerved it, she tried smiling my way but nothing.

"Text me when you're out of your moods, it's obvious you want space."

Scarlett sighed as she kissed my cheek and walked to her house, I sighed and watched her enter her home safely before walking to mine.
I ran my fingers through my hair and walked upstairs to my room, I laid on my bed and took a nap hoping that this little mood I'm in would change.

I kept my phone off and put it on the charger, the door was locked along with the window and the AC was on.
I had music playing so that I could just focus on my energy and hope that it would get better, the last thing I need is snapping at my family.

Especially my girlfriend, which I almost already did.
I'll make it up to her later.

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