Chapter 18: Round 2

Comincia dall'inizio

"Give up, Shadow Fang. You can't win." She taunted as she fired her projectile at me. I deflected it with my staff as I darted towards her. 

I swung my staff at her, she dodged and tried to stab me with her sword. I quickly evaded the blade and swung my staff at her head, knocking her off balance. She stumbled to onside, clutching the back of her head in pain. With her guard down, I used Paw Strike to knock her into a nearby building, knocking her out. I panted for breathe and spat out some blood.

"Nice trick. But, it's not enough." Lila said.

As soon as I looked back, the ladybug shaped fireball struck me in the chest, knocking me into a wall. A loud pop emerged from the back of my ribs as a yell escaped from my mouth. I felt dizzy from the pain as I tried to get up. Lady Venom loomed over me and placed her staff on my chin.

"Any last words?" She taunted.

I responded by spitting on her face, much to her disgust. She growled and swung her staff at my head. I felt the blow ringing in my head. Just as she was preparing for another, a fist sent Lady Venom flying into a wall. I looked up and saw Juleka in her Purple Tigress attire, panting for breath. Her suit was torn and had cuts on her arms and legs. She had blood stain in her hair.

"You ok, Luka?" She asked as she helped me up.

"A little disoriented, but I can still fight. What about Mum and Dad?" I replied.

"Safe. Kagami and a group of street fighters helped them fight Weaver's men." She said.

We heard an explosion from a building next to us and saw Marinette fighting Adrien. She was tossed towards us. Her suit torn and her black scarf missing.

"Melody!" I called and helped her up.

"He's tougher than he looks." Marinette replied, coughing due to the pain in her torso.

"Still kicking, eh? Well not for long." Shadow Claw said and charged towards us in a blur.

"TIME STO-!" I called, only to get cut off by a claw slashed across my torso, knocking me onto the ground. I clutched my bleeding chest as I tried to get up. Juleka ran to my aid, but was knocked out by Shadow Claw. He walked over towards me and stomped on my already bruised spine, possibly cracking it even more.

"If only you were never around. I could've made Marinette mine." He growled.

"Didn't stop you from being with Lila and make her your rebound girl." I replied scathingly.

He responded by planting his boot onto my arm, breaking it. He saw the Cat miraculous and smiled.

"Truth be told, I never liked Plaag. So doing this wouldn't make me feel bad." He said and raised his staff above my finger. 

"No." I groaned. 

Before he could finish me off, Chloe struck him in the jaw with her spinning top, causing him to stumble to the side. Seeing his guard was down, I activated my Cataclysm and aimed for his ring. 

Suddenly, Shadow Claw picked up Juleka and used her as a shield, causing me to freeze.

"Fool." He taunted and impaled his claw into my abdomen. Pain flared inside me. Shadow Claw threw me to one side, laughing with malice.

Marinette POV

I watched as I saw my songbird was cast aside like he was nothing. Shadow Claw darted towards me, his claws aimed at my torso. I rolled to the side, dodging his claws.

"LUCKY CHARM!" I shouted and summoned a red and black bullfighting cloak. I looked at Rhino, who was still fighting Batwing and looked back at Shadow Claw, who was readying himself for another attack.

I got it. I thought.

"Batwing! Lure Rhino to me!" I called.

"What!? Why!?" He shouted as he dodged another attack by Rhino.

"Trust me, OK!?" I called back.

"I'll try!" He replied as he struck his staff at Rhino's torso to no avail.

Shadow Claw  swung his claws at me again, forcing me to dodge until I felt Rhino's footsteps rushing towards me.

Now! I thought as I dodged Rhino's horn, allowing the cloak to flutter onto his face, blinding him. He roared in fury as he tried to remove the cloak from his eyes.

"She's other there, you idiot!" Shadow Claw shouted, pointing at me.  I used my yo-yo to pull myself onto a ledge, allowing Rhino to charge into Shadow Claw, knocking the wind out of him. The two crashed into a green forcefield, knocking the two out.

"Did we miss anything?" Nino asked as he Alya, Cassie and Andrew arrived.

"Nothing important. Thanks for the assist." I panted as I leaped down from the ledge and helped up Luka.

"What happened with Electro and Siren?" Luka asked.

"Escaped after we defeated them. A group of akumas overwhelmed us but we managed to drive them back." Andy replied.

"Akumas? Then that would mean-." Chloe said.

"Weaver's got the Miracle Box. Which could explain about how Shadow Claw and Lady Venom came into play." Luka said.

"Cassie already told me about how Antony and  Lola. The real Antony and Lola. I've already asked Roger to send a rescue squad to save them. Though, I doubt they'll make it on time." Andy added.

"Where's Isaac?" Cassie asked, looking around.

"No clue. Last time I saw him, he was heading to Master Fu's shop." Chloe replied.

"He's heading towards Weaver to see his beloved mother figure die in front of him." Adrien croaked as he climbed out of the rubble.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I demanded.

Adrien chuckled and picked up Lila's unconscious body. He pushed a button on his ring and the two faded away in a flash.

"That happened. Now they're gone again." Chloe groaned.

"Forget about them. We need to go and help Isaac." Cassie said.

"Alright. Let's go." I said with a nod.  

Miraculous Ladybug: Darkness falls: Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora