Chapter 11: Turmoil

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Marinette POV

After Master Fu came to the rescue, and caused Weaver and the others to retreat. I used my Lucky Charm to undo the damage. Jackie and Isaac were rushed to the hospital while we had a look at Arachne, who was shivering weakly.

"The damage done to The Spider Ear Cuffs has caused Arachne to be extremely weak." Master Fu said.

"Can anyone remind me what happens if a miraculous breaks?" Malik asked.

"The Kwamis will no longer ready to supply forces to Humans, and they won't be helpful any longer." Marinette said, looking down at a worried Tikki.

"So, it's that bad, huh?" He asked.

We nodded. 

"Can a miraculous be repaired?" Zoe asked.

"They can be repaired. But the mage is long gone. So, it is impossible." Fu replied sadly.

"There's got to be a way. If Isaac finds out, he'll be gutted. He'll feel responsible for what happened to Arachne." Luka said.

I heard a shuffle behind me and saw Isaac with a bandage on his ear. His red jacket was replaced by a black hoodie. He still had his dark blue jeans, sneakers and piolet goggles around his neck. Cassie didn't meet his eyes.

"How did you get out of the hospital?" Alix asked.

"All I got was a nick on my ear and a few broken ribs. Jackie, however, got it worse. She's unconscious and won't wake up." He said.

All of us gave him our condolences, except Cassie, who didn't look at him.

"Cas. What's the deal?" Isaac asked.

"Nothing." She replied.

Isaac sighed and shook his head. 

"Anyway, how's Arachne doing?" He asked.

"Not good If we don't get your ear cuffs repaired, it's bye bye, Crimson Web." Malik said.

Isaac groaned in defeat.

"It's my fault. I was to reckless." He said.

"No doubt about that." Cassie said.


"Look. I'm sorry, Ok? Someone had to say it." The Hispanic Scorpion replied.

"Couldn't you just sugar-coat it?" Alix asked with a frown.

Master Fu sat up.

"I'll have to look through my spell book to undo the damage. But it will take time." He said.

"Guess I'll just get out of your hair." Isaac said as he turned away.

"Isaac..." Cassie called.  But the spider themed hero already left.

"Ok, Cas. Why did you break up with Isaac?" Chloe asked.

"I can't tell you. I just can't." Cassie replied tearfully and walked away with Sahara floating behind her.

Isaac POV

I walked out of the flower shop, I was making my way home until I was stopped by Cassie. I turned around to face her.

"You want to tell me why you broke up with me? Because I'm itching to know." I asked.

She turned away.

"I can't tell you. I just can't." She said. I could hear a sob coming from her voice.

Just as I was about to reach out for her, Stacy ran into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"Ise! I'm glad you're ok! Is that girl bothering you?" She said.

I looked at Cassie, who was trying not to cry. 

"We were just talking." I said.

"Well, not anymore." Cassie replied and ran away with tears in her eyes.

I did nothing but watch as Cassie ran all the way home, feeling nothing but a large shard impaling my chest.

"C'mon, Ise. Since my sister is at work, you can come to my place." 

Without waiting for my answer, she lead me back to her place.

Cassie POV

I stopped by the alleyway and sat on the ground, sobbing my eyes out. Sahara patted my cheek.

"I'm such an idiot. I let her get to me and now I lost Zack." I sobbed.

"It's not idiotic to protect your brother. Though, I understand your pain." He said.

I sighed and rested my head against the wall, ignoring the on lookers staring at me.

"There's gotta be a way out of this. There has to be. Stacy already knew my identity as Scorpia and now she has the advantage. But, there's someone else pulling the strings. And I'm going to find out who." I said, standing up.

"It'll take some time." Sahara said.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." I said determinedly. 


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