Chapter 4: Crimson's past

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Isaac POV

After school, we went to Master Fu's store and told him about what happened. He lead us to the dojo and asked us to start from the beginning. 

"So, that's just about it." Malik said after we finished.

"It's bad enough Adrien and Lila have escaped from prison. And now, we have a new threat to face." Master Fu said.

"There's still one thing we haven't found out. How do those guys know Isaac?" Luka said.

I sighed and shifted in my seat.

"A while back when I started as Crimson Web, I fought the guys we just encountered. First was Antony Fisher, The Shocker. A bank robber and former street fighter. He stole two military grade shock gauntlets and caused a hell lot of chaos. 

Then, there was Nikole Cutter, Scorpion. A mentally ill clinical toxicologist who lost his job and family for illegal experiments. 

Next is Jamie Gordon, The Rhino. A short tempered mercenary who will kill anyone to get paid. Dresses up like a rhino.

Rachel Chausiku. The Siren. A former pole dancer turned assassin. Uses seduction to get to her opponents before she takes them out.

Finally, there's Victor Travis. Inventor and electromaniac. Goes by the name Electrocutioner. 

As for The Weaver, I don't know that guy. I asked Jackie and she said she never seen or heard of that guy." I said.

"Wait. You fought those guys before Talon. And they know you're Crimson Web." Malik said.

"My master suffered because of it. Because of these." I said, pinching my ear cuffs.

"Geez, Ike. You got a lot of enemies." Marinette gasped.

"I'd say the same about you, Mari." I replied.

A knock on the door startled us. Jackie entered, raising her hand as an apology. She sat next to me.

"Ok, so I went through a file of Talon. And apparently, he had a wife and son. The wife died due to child birth and he raised his son alone. His late father was a former crime boss who took the name  Shadow Wing after he found the Owl Miraculous. After the previous Shadow Wing passed away, his son took the mantle. At least he would have if the Owl Miraculous wasn't destroyed." Jackie said.

"What was the name of the son?" Luka asked.

"Sebastian Talon Hastings." She said.

A painful silence filled the air.

"Oh shit. I just killed his dad." I gasped.

I thought back to when I fought Talon, remembering how I impaled him his own sword.

"You seem to have a knack for that." Malik joked.

We glared at him.

"Sorry. Just had to say it." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Anyway, we should keep an eye out for them. Without a doubt, they'll come out and hit us where it hurts." Chloe said.

We nodded in agreement.

After we parted ways, Jackie asked me if I was ok.

"I feel sick. Like I want to throw up." I replied.

"Boss?" Arachne asked, touching my cheek.

I leaned on the wall and took a few deep breaths.

"Maybe you should take some time off from being Crimson Web for a while." Jackie suggested.

I shook my head.

"No, if he wants a fight. I'll give him one." I said, glaring up at the sky. 

"And I'll ready for him." 

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