Episode 54 - bringing everything to an end.

Começar do início

Gwen: and Charmcaster.

Clair: then we don't have a moment to waist.

Hutton: let the adult handle this situation, ok?

Gwen: he's not going to listen to you.

Hutton scoffed as they entered the town and found bully sitting in some kind of robotic suit.

Hutton: listen up soldier, you promised to help us and we're here to call it in.

Billy: and why should I listen to you?

Gwen: because we need your billy, the people of Bellwood need you and you'll be able to hold this over us when this is all over.

Billy: well, when you put it like that...

He gets up and starts flying upwards, hitting his head on the celling.

Julie: it's time to prove you're a hero, captain.

Captain nemesis grabs a hold of billy, and he flies off. Heading to joining the others in the fight. Gwen crosses them off of the list and moving on to grabbing the next person on the list, Tim Buktu. As they land in the jungle, Tim Buktu runs over and gives Gwen a hug.

Tim: there's my podcasting partner.

Clair: you do podcasts with this guy?

Gwen: once a month, it's hard to do it on his schedule.

Julie: do you think I can go on that podcast some time?

Tim: I don't see why not.

Gwen: the time for that battle ben told you about has come.

Tim: consider me in, is this the ship to get me there?

Gwen: we've got a few more people to get first. And up next if the best one, vin.

Clair: like the vin from that race?

Julie: what race?

Clair: weren't you there?

Julie: not really, I was probably at tennis practice.

Hutton: we don't have time for this.

Tim: who's the buzz kill?

Gwen: we'll explain it on the way.

They fly off and head to Vin's house where they find that he was with LaGrange.

Gwen: vin, it's time.

Vin immediately dropped everything and got into his car.

LaGrange: what's going on?

Gwen: unless you want to be a hero, you need to stay out of this.

LaGrange: will I be allowed to hurt people?

Gwen: I guess.

LaGrange: count me in, you can fill me in along the way.

He gets into his own car, and they drive them into the providence ships. Finally, they start to look around for Charmcaster and hex, however they teleport right into the ship.

Hutton: did they just teleport in?

Gwen: they use magic.

Charmcaster: it's time, isn't it?

Gwen: yeah, it is I know you don't want to work with us but...

Hex: this is to keep ourselves safe.

Hutton: is there anybody else?

tales from Belwood: early days.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora