"i had my eyes closed and i had music on! all my senses were quite literally out of use and—" you paused, looking up at the mirror to find semi struggling to keep his laughter at bay. "you know what? i don't owe you an explanation."

and with that, you stomped out of the bathroom, leaving him standing idle.

when the door slammed behind you, you pressed your back against it, breathing heavily with your arms splayed out as if to form a barricade.

when you looked up to find your mom in the kitchen, peering at you from behind the refrigerator door, you thought your morning couldn't get any worse.

"mom! h-hey, when'd you get back?" you asked, knocking your headphones off your head and down to your neck. you went to lean on the kitchen counter, blinking at her innocently and desperately hoping old age had deteriorated her hearing enough that she didn't hear anything. it was a shallow thing to think, and maybe a little inconsiderate, but panic and embarrassment fully clouded your judgement at the moment.

she looked confused, if not worried. "what was all that yelling? is everything okay?" she asked, answering your question with questions of her own.

you closed your eyes briefly, mentally cursing yourself.

"oh, it's nothing, everything is fine," you chuckled nervously. "i just got a little carried away with the music and started—"

then the door to the bathroom opened, semi stepping out. he was dressed in sweats and a graphic tee, though his hair was still wet. a towel hung over his shoulder, as if he'd carelessly thrown it there.

"eita!" your mom exclaimed, looking back and forth between you and him. "but didn't y/n just... when did you go in?" she mumbled to herself, trying to pick up the pieces. then she laughed and made a funny circling motion with her head, her eyes blown wide. "wow, i must be super sleep deprived. i've completely lost the plot! i think i'm gonna stop working night shifts," she chuckled to herself.

she must have to come to the conclusion that she imagined the whole thing, and boy were you thankful.

semi blinked at the both of you as if the tides had suddenly turned and he was the one in an uncomfortable position.

"yeah, i don't like what it's doing to your health," you agreed, trying to divert her attention. "i miss the glow you used to have," you caressed her cheek, feigning introspection.

"get off me, you little cacodemon," she smacked your hand away, smiling. "oh, eita," she rounded back, "you haven't had the chance to look around the neighborhood, right?"

he shook his head, the shaggy strands of his grayish-white hair shifting. beads of crystal clear water fell onto his shirt."i do have to head over to oxford on monday, though, so i'll get to see the area then."

"oh, that won't do, we can't have you getting lost on your first day," your mom shook her head, making you roll your eyes at both of them. "since you have the day off, why don't you and y/n go take a walk around the city? she can show you where everything is."

semi looked over at you, eyebrows raised. you looked at him, then at your mom, who sensed the bitterness in your gaze, but clearly decided to ignore it as she clapped her hands together and smiled as though it was final.

heartstrings, semi eitaWhere stories live. Discover now