Chapter 6

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Kusan followed Tharn and 'Revulee to the Pious Justiciar's bridge, despite N'theze urging he rest immediately.

"'KUSAMAI!" Tharn roared, storming through the bridge doors and shoving aside the guards. "'KUSAMAI, YOU BASTARD!"

"Greetings, 'Mdazumee," sighed the Shipmaster. "Your tenacity proves utmost yet again."

Kusan surveyed the room. Elites in flight harnesses mulled about, trying to look busy but secretly watching the growing altercation. Shipmaster 'Kusamai himself stood at the far end of the bridge, draped in his emerald doarmir cloak, silhouetted by the full-wall viewscreen behind him. A holographic map of the terrain hovered at his feet, covering the entire central bridge floor, casting reflections up onto his polished golden armor like rippling water.

A hologram of Chieftain Burbaeddeus strode over this projection, wearing a grim smile beneath his twisted eyes; he gave the Shipmaster and fuming Commander a wide berth. Next to him hovered the Lesser Prophet of Appetency, who instead floated to position himself between the feuding Sangheili.

"I'll have your head!" continued Tharn. "Who told you to fire upon your own troops?"

"Your troops, technically," oozed 'Kusamai. "They were your responsibility. And their deaths, therefore, your folly."

Tharn's fists clenched and he began to step forward. 'Revulee and his second-in-command green Ranger seized his arms and held him in place. The senior Ranger whispered something that Kusan didn't catch; Tharn grimaced and his fingers uncurled.

"You worm," Tharn spat. "Sitting back, sending valiant men to their deaths, while you take all the glory of victory for yourself!"

"Their sacrifices were not in vain," said 'Kusamai, raising his hands. A projection of the Strato-Sentinel flashed to life and filled the bridge. Kusan's stomach turned. Not a great feeling, as the Human biofoam was quickly being absorbed and the Spartan-given knife wound was really starting to hurt again.

"Behold, the Holy Builder!" continued 'Kusamai. "Elusive to our Covenant for eons, now found by your men on this small, otherwise worthless rock." he sneered. "In fact, there has been a total fleet recall to High Charity. The High Prophet of Regret...found something. I will leave two ships here to exterminate the helpless Human vermin who scamper through the wreckage. Your men will be remembered for their contributions."

A total recall? Kusan wondered. What for? The one and only other time there had been a total fleet recall in recent memory was...

"You are unfit to lead!" Tharn scolded. "You are a traitor to the Covenant!"

"Heresy!" shouted 'Kusamai, whirling on his heels in a way that made his doarmir cloak flutter. "Lies! It is you who breaks our Covenant! Yes, Commander, I know of your insidious doings. I know of how you use Human equipment, partake in their food stores, even," he paused for emphasis, "Use their medicine."

A flurry of voices arose from the formerly-quieted crowd. Tharn hooded his gaze--Kusan caught looks of concern between the senior Rangers at his side, and suddenly he felt like a target too--he had been pumped full of Human biofoam.

"There is no honor in death," growled Tharn. A hush fell over the crowd. All eyes locked to him. "It is a lie, that commanders like you use to send faithful warriors on suicide missions. What honor is there in bleeding out from a stray bullet? What honor is there in being struck down from orbit from one's own SUPREME COMMANDER?"

"TREACHERY!" roared 'Kusamai "You deem yourself above thousands of years of Sangheili culture? Above our very Covenant?! Guards! Restrain him!"

Some uneasy-looking bridge guards moved in on Tharn. He ripped away from the Rangers and ignited his energy sword, brandishing it at the advancing Elites.

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