"I am having a merbaby. I woke like this. My water broke. I do not know what to do. I need Crystal" I demand.

"I will go fetch her" Hudson vows as he dives back in the water.

A sharp pain hits my side. This baby was coming fast!

• ❤︎ •

"Ouch....oh..." I stammer. I hold my side.

"She is having contractions!" mother worries over me as she brushes my hair out of my face. I could hardly breath the pain was so intense.

"I am here! I am here! I brought help!" calls out Crystal as she comes back with Hudson.

"Thank heavens" I gasp.

"Who is this?" a new older merlady asks Crystal.

"Madame Quinn this is Finn's human wife. The one I was telling you was having the prince" explains Crystal.

"Oh, I see she needs to get in the waters. The baby will need sea salt. Water" warns Madame Quinn.

"The waters are going to be freezing for my daughter! She will catch cold" mother worries.

"Not an issue" says Madame Quinn.

She holds a large golden staff in her hands. She waves it in the waves. The waters turn a little pink to red.

• ❤︎ •

"Get in the circle there. It will be warm for you" she promises me. I nod. I groan as another contraction hits me.

"Madame Quinn, is like what a midwife is for you here on land" Crystal explains to me as my mother and gram lower me into the waters. Crystal and Hudson come to my side.

"Nice" I puff. "I hope Finn gets here in time. I need him" I worry.

"He will doll" Gram vows.

"Deep breaths. Remain calm. Stress is bad for you and the baby" warns Madame Quinn.

"How many babies have you delivered?" I ask Madame Quinn.

"I delivered Finn, Hudson Crystal here...lets see....over a million in the sea. From fish to sharks" she mentions.

"Sharks are different from a human baby" mother laughs.

"This baby is not human it is merfolk. Part fish part human" Crystal reminds my mother.

"What a day. How am I going to explain this to your father huh Sydney?" she laughs.

"Ouch...." I groan.

"Is there something you can do for her pain? On land they give medication for the pain" mother demands to Madame Quinn.

"Certainly" she replies.

She waves the staff again in the waters. I see the waters turn a purple. Only in the area where I was at. The rest of the ocean was a normal color. I feel suddenly relaxed.

No pain at all now.

• ❤︎ •

"How are you feeling now?" Madame Quinn questions me. She smiles as she checks my tummy with her hand.

"Rather well" I sigh.

"You have to keep pushing" warns Crystal.

"I will" I say.

"Push... when I tell you to" demands Madame Quinn. I nod.

"Okay the baby is about three centimeter's here" says Madame Quinn.

Sydney [Merman]Where stories live. Discover now