Christmas, Villains, and a Trial

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(Some time has passed after the event with earth-x. Now team Flash, is ready to celebrate Christmas)

(S.T.A.R. Labs)

(Ben is walking to the cortex)

Ben:(Mind) I wonder what Christmas is like on this earth? Pretty sure it's just the same on my earth..... Maybe everyone back home, is having a good Christmas?

(Then Caitlin walks down the looking upset)

Ben: Hey Caitlin, is everything okay?

Caitlin: Yeah, I'm just going to get a cup of coffee.

Ben: By yourself?

Caitlin: I just need to get some air and think.

Ben: Alright, have fun.

(Caitlin leaves and Ben enters the cortex)

Ben: So why did Caitlin, look like someone just crushed her holiday spirit?

(Cisco and Harry point at Ralph)

Ralph: What did I do?

Cisco: You basically said that, Killer Frost, is better that Caitlin.

Ralph: She is. Killer Frost, is the best. Bacon Soda!

Harry: Not now.

Ralph: Aw, come on guys. You have to admit Frost is way better to hang out with.

Ben: How stupid are you?

Ralph: What?

Ben: Caitlin is important, just like everybody else on the team. Besides who the hell says someone else is better than they are right in front of there face?

Ralph: I was being honest. Just like a hero would, right?

Ben: Saying whatever come to mind even though it could hurt someone's feeling's? That's called being an honest jerk.

Ralph: I still don't see the difference.

Ben: You are the kind of guy, who let's you're emotion's talk for you.

Ralph: Is that a bad thing?

Cisco/Harry: Yes!

Ben: Sometimes.

Ralph: Whatever......

Harry: I'll go check on Caitlin.

Cisco: Best idea, you've had all night.

Harry: At least I'm not the one who put up the ugly Christmas tree.
(He says while leavening)

Cisco: It's not ugly!

Ben: It doesn't look that bad.

Cisco: Thank you!

(Time skip)

(Joe and Harry walk in, but Harry looks injured)

Ben: Harry, are you hurt?

Harry: Yeah, a little bit.

Cisco: What happened?

Joe: Amunet Black.

Ben: Who?

Cisco: Bad meta-human girl.

Ben: Got it.

Cisco: What did she do?

Harry: She kidnapped Caitlin.

Ben: Can you track her phone?

Harry: Don't bother.
(He puts Caitlin's purse on the table)

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