Crisis on Earth-X Part 2

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(Not long after the events of the last chapter we continue where we left off)

(S.T.A.R. Lab's)

(In the time vault lays Ben's unconscious body with Thawne watching over him, planning his next move)

Thawne: Oh, the things I will do to see what makes you tick. I'm going to find out how you keep transforming.

X-Oliver: Thawne, it's time. You can do what you want with him later.

Thawne: I'll come back for you later, after I take Supergirl's heart.

(Thawne leaves the time vault to prepare for Supergirl's and Overgirl's, surgery)

Felicity: You think there gone?

Iris: Yeah, let's go.

(The girls head into the time vault to find Ben's unconscious body)

Iris: Oh my god, Ben.

(Iris checks to see if Ben is okay)

Iris: He's alive, just unconscious.

Felicity: Why is he here and not with the others?

Iris: I don't know? But be glad he is.

Felicity: Why is that?

Iris: Because he's the only hero who hasn't been captured.

Felicity: Yeah, but the only problem is that he's unconscious.

Iris: He'll wake up and when he does we're going to save Kara and free the others.

Felicity: So what do we do until he wakes up?

Iris: We can by time for Kara.

Felicity: Yes, I can turn off the power from here.

Iris: How long will that take?

Felicity: Give me one minute.

Iris: While your doing that. Do you know how to wake someone up while there unconscious?

Felicity: You have any salt on you?

Iris: No.

Felicity: Maybe, transforming him will work?

Iris: Uh, ok, Um....

Felicity: Do you know how to make him transform?

Iris: He always just presses a button on his watch to transform, but I don't know how to make it work.

Felicity: Um, try slapping him.

Iris: What? I'm not going to slap him.

Felicity: Then I'm out of ideas.

Iris: When's the power going off?


(The power throughout, S.T.A.R. Labs goes out)

Iris: Nice work, not let's get him out of here.

Felicity: Yeah, let's go.

(The girls move Ben to another room and hide him there)

(Time skip)

(Ben slowly wakes up)

Ben: Ow, my head.

(Ben gets up)

Ben: Why am I in S.T.A.R. Labs?

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