Star City Part 2

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(Some time later after the last chapter. Ben dose some training with Oliver. Later on the TV they see Laurel Lance is alive)

Ben: Laurel's alive? What dose that mean?

Felicity: That earth-2 Laurel is pretending to be our Laurel.

Ben: That's bad right?

Felicity: Yeah.

Ben: And there's nothing we can do?

Felicity: Yeah.

Ben: Is there anything we can do?

Felicity: Nothing I can think of.

Ben: So all we can do is wait and see?

Felicity: Yep.

Ben: Great........

(Time skip)

(Oliver returns with Thea, Quentin, and Diggle. They talk while Ben does some training that Oliver showed him)

 They talk while Ben does some training that Oliver showed him)

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(A/n: Imagine Ben is Oliver in the gif)

Then Oliver walks over to him.

Oliver: Your a fast learner.

Ben: People don't think I pay attention, but really I am. I'm a pretty fast learner.

(Ben stops punching)

Oliver: I can see that.

Ben: About Laurel, did she just walk up to the police station and say she's alive.

Oliver: That's exactly what happened.

Ben: Really? Why?

Oliver: When Quentin and Laurel tried to leave Star City, they couldn't. So Laurel suggested that she pretends to be our Laurel so she can be safe from Dinah.

Ben: And Quentin was just okay with this?

Oliver: Yeah he was. Because it meant Laurel would be safe.

Ben: Make's sense. So what did you want to talk about?

Oliver: An old friend of mine was kidnapped by an enemy of mine and I need your help to get him out.

Ben: Let's do it.

Oliver: T-that's all I had to say?

Ben: I swear you keep forgetting what I do for a living.

Oliver: Right. Your a hero too.

Ben: Yes, a hero who still needs to learn.

Oliver: Learn what?

Ben: When I learned I was trapped on this earth. I was scared of something happening to me again. So I decided to use my aliens whenever I can. But when I met you, you reminded me of what my grandpa said once.

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