||• Chapter Two •||

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|• Chapter Two•|


"Jungkook?" Jungkook then wipe his tears as he saw him... Kang YulBin his childhood Best Friend. "Y-yulBin?" Kook said, Shocked at His best friend and a mini version of him a.k.a SungBin His son. "What was that? Why is your son so... Rude, Why is he.... like that?" YulBin asked as YulBin s eyes was staring at His best friends son. "T-that was Nothing... SungBin! Aren't you Grown up already? Aww your so Cute!" Jungkook squeak in cuteness as he picked up the small boy. "Kook, Please answer me." YulBin said with a little sadness in his voice. As Jungkook took a deep breath, He told him everything. Starting from Taehyung hating him and to his son too.

"J-jungkook... I feel Terrible for you.. you don't deserve this." YulBin said as SungBin started to frown in sadness. "H-hey! It's fine, I'm alright. I'm used to it. Well even so, I wish tht i can make them Love me or care for me.... Even just a minute." Kook sigh as YulBin Started to think of something.

"What if i make them jealous?" YulBin said. "Are you Nuts? Well probably you are but- That won't work, even if they won't get jealous! And it's late, I have to go, Bye bye!" He said and quickly leave giving a peck to the Mini Version of YulBin and left. Since YulBin was kind of a son of a bitch he decided to just do what he thought About.

But one question is....


"Mhm, Mhm, Mhm.." a male was heard Huming a song as he sounded like Snow White while cooking. The birds were outside as both Started to chirp. It was so overwhelming that it can make Jungkook just, Lay there and sleep. But he was Interrupted when a door bell rang, There was no Bodyguard or anything to check who's looking for who. So he went immediately since the door bell noise might wake up Taehyung ang Hyun-ju.

Opening the door midway as he began to greet whoever was behind on the other side of the door. Soon opening his eyes he was greeted with a holy smeggy View, It was YulBin ang SungBin who were dressed up like a fancy Rich people, "Oh? Well Look at you both, So adorable.." he said as he wiped his imaginary tears. He picked up the child who was in the hands of his father, And now that Kook is holding the child, He immediately yook the child to the kitchen so the little boy could see how he cooks.

Not minding how in the hell did YulBin know his address.

YulBin was Sitting in the dining table as Footstep from the stairs was Heard behind YulBin. "I didn't expect Guess around here." A deep voice spoke, Obviously Taehyung. Jungkook Jolted up with a quick of light and turn around. "I-u-m Well, I invited t-them for uhh- Breakfast Since- they were alone.. Yeah!" Jungkook made an excuse as YulBin then Protest.

"You don't need to cover us up. Mr. Kim-" He stood up and continue talking. "We're sorry if it bothers you if were here. We invited ourselves out since We were alone." He said calmly, bowing right after as he Holding Jungkooks hand in the process and caresses it. Jungkook knew something was up. YulBin never and Doesn't caresses it like a dog. Taehyung meanwhile Saw how YulBin Caresses Jungkooks hand. He was angry for some reason. But Let it slide and have breakfast with them.

"Thank you so much for the Food Kookie." He smiled, Hugging Jungkook and Holding his tiny waist and stick his neck to the younger while giving a teasing like glare to Taehyung as YulBin Teased Taehyung by hugging his waist Tightly and his nose basically sniffing the living hell out of kook.

Taehyung knitted his eyebrows as he got pissed of. Soon the Kang Family left as Jungkook throw a big smile on his face. Oh how he imagined Taehyung holding him like that. Taehyung notice it too, How ge was smiling. Did Jungkook liked how that Kang Guy Hugged him so Close?

Well seems like Taehyung Might get a problem from this. Oh and his son too.

The next Day. Taehyung Went to work and Hyun-ju went to school. "Oh Taehyungie... I want you in my arms already..." He mumbled as he hugged there wedding picture. A doorbell was again Heard. Kook knew who it is so he just let YulBin come it whit his Child-Twin. "Soooo- i know you we're wondering why i.... Was being Clingy, Right?" Jungkook nods.

"I actually made them jealous. So I'll keep doing it." He said as he reach for the coffee that kook made 5 minutes ago. "Well Sure. Do what you wanna do. You Interrupted my Day dreaming. Now get out."

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|• Chapter Two•|



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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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