LXV. Here Comes The Bride

Comenzar desde el principio

My father said aloud, I felt myself tear up and I wasn't even the one he was saying that to.
Alana smiled as tears slid down her cheeks and touched the ground, gracing the sand with her soft, salty tears.

"Spencer Vincent Delmonico, when I met you, I couldn't stop myself from going over and speaking to you. You make every single day a magic one, it would be an honor to be apart of your family and be the best mother figure or friend figure to your daughter. Honestly, I don't think I could ever think of anyone else who would love me and treat me the way you do. I love you more than anything, although I love your daughter more."

Alana chuckled as she said the last part, causing everyone to laugh.
When it was time for the rings, Alejandro had walked down the aisle and handed them the rings.

I watched as the grabbed each other's rings and had slipped it on.
The crowd cheered as they said their I dos and kissed, now it was time for us to walk to where the celebration party was being held.

As the night began, I was sat down at an empty table and had snacked on some chips since I had eaten my dinner earlier.
My heart warmed at the sight of Jaden walking over to me, I couldn't stop myself from standing up and meeting him half way.

But before he could get a word out, 'Collide' by Justine Skye and Tyga played.
With excitement rushing over me, I ran over to where Xiomara was sitting and grabbed her hand.

We ran onto the dance floor and sang out hearts out to the song, dancing together and twirling around like idiots.
Once the song finished it was time for speeches, I was quite excited to hear what a few people had to say about the marriage.

Then it was my turn, I hadn't even thought about preparing a speech when I stood up and felt all eyes on me.
I took a deep breath and decided to just improvise and hope for the best.

"When I first met Alana, I didn't think I would like her at all, but she grew on me and I felt myself become more comfortable each day. She treated me as if she understood what I was going through and didn't bother changing who I am or take my father away from me like I thought she would, instead she took me away from my father. But who wouldn't? I'm so fun to be around."

I joked a bit, resulting in everyone laughing including my father although he knew it was true.
I felt myself get emotional which I didn't like because I knew I would start crying like a baby, but it'll be okay.

"Actually, Alana is the perfect person for my father. I mean she's just as crazy as he is, only she can cook and he can't. Alana had treated me as if I were her own, loving me the way a mother would always love her child. She made me feel like she was the real mother to me, she never made me feel any different and I, I didn't know what to do when I began to feel like I was hers."

My voice broke a bit and tears began to run down my cheeks, I sighed and looked at her.
Jaden made his way over to me and held.my hand as he rubbed my back, he was always good at comforting me even in front of hundreds of people.

A bunch of people awed as I turned to Jaden and hugged him tightly as I quietly sobbed into his shoulder, I felt a little embarrassed at this point but I had to push past it.

" This the family I want and need, the family nobody could take away from me. "

I finished my speech, I was overwhelmed with the loud clapping and a bunch of people awed as I walked over to my father and Alana.
We had a group hug which resulted in Alana and I crying a bit, she wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead before allowing me to return to my seat.

When speeches were over, I was once again alone at my table as Jaden went to go check on his twin brother.
I didn't even notice a figure walk over to me until they were standing right in front of me.

"Aren't you gonna say hi?"

I looked up and squealed as it was Kylee, I haven't seen her in a hot minute so I was glad to have seen her here.
We hugged each other and started to talk about how our lives have been since we weren't together for a while.

Jaden walked over to us and sat down, engaging in our conversation.
As I was about to say something, a song that had brought back old memories came on.

'Stand By Me' by Ben E. King, I looked at Jaden who was already standing up and grabbed his hand, we walked to the dance floor which had already had a bunch of couples.
Jaden wrapped his arms around my waist and I snaked my own around his neck, the music began as I laid my head on his chest.

When the night had come and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see.
No I won't be afraid, oh I won't be afraid.

Just as long, as you stand, stand by me.

I remember dancing the same way with him the night Alana and my dad got engaged, the night I felt like I was the only girl to ever exist in front of Jaden.
How I felt like I fell in love with him but didn't even know it until now, how my heart fluttered everytime he would call my name.

So darlin' darlin' stand by me, oh stand by me.
Oh stand, stand by me, stand by me.

Jaden twirled me around and smiled as I squealed a bit as I was caught off guard, he looked down at me as I looked up and kissed him gently.

If the sky that we look upon, should tumble and fall or the mountains crumble to the sea.
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear.

Just as long as you stand, stand by me.

The same very song played bringing back memories that we had made, I'm sure everyone who was at the engagement celebration remembered the moment.
I don't think I could have ever imagined my father with someone else.

As we danced and swayed away to the music, Jaden moved his hand to my lower back and dipped me causing the both of us to laugh.
Jaden held onto me tightly, as I closed my eyes and prayed that everything was real and was not a dream, Jaden had took the moment to admire me.

When I opened my eyes, he smiled and just continued to dance.
There was never a dull moment with him and he knew that, he knew just how to make me happy or how to make the butterflies in my stomach ignite.

In this moment, as we danced to the final lyrics of the song, I realized that I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life.
Maybe I shouldn't think like this but I was sure that I had found my soulmate.

Little did I know, Jaden had been thinking the same exact thing as I was.

So darlin' darlin' stand by me, oh stand by me.
Oh stand, stand by me, stand by me, stand by me...

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