Chapter 3 •leaving and 5 am wake up call•

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{Narator's POV.} 

After trying to navigate your way threw the killer's house, you ended up back at Sally's door.

'It wouldn't hurt to ask Sally for help right?' you thought,  knocking on the one answered, you knock again...but nobody came. 'Guess I'll find a way out on my own,' you sighed, continuing to walk down the hall.

"SHUT UP YOU CHEATED!!" "NO YOU'RE JUST BAD!!" You could hear two people fighting, they seem far away but too far, you follow the yelling.

You came across a set of stairs going down, you sighed, 'finally found them,' you walked down the stair to find yourself in a living room.

Two boys were fighting over something but you had no idea what, one had pale white skin, a white hoodie and black hair, he seemed to be around 5'10", Jeff, and the other was around 5'-5'2" he had blond hair and was dressed as Link, Ben.

You paid no attention to them and continued your search for the door.

You found the kitchen. You saw LJ with Sally on his shoulders, there were two others but you couldn't see them that well, you walked over to LJ about to ask him where the door was.

"Hey, have you guys seen that kid you guys grabbed?" A lady had entered the room before you could ask LJ, "Oh there you are," it was Jane, "oh! ya, sorry, I couldn't find the stairs," you chuckled rubbing the back of your neck, "the only reason I could find my way was that I heard two people yelling," "alright then, let's go," Jane said, turning around and walking away, you quickly said goodbye to Sally and LJ before following her.

It had taken a while to get out of the forest and to your house, tho you didn't seem to mind, Jane seemed nice.

"Well, this is your house correct?" Jane asked, pointing to a calm blue house, "yes, thank you for walking me home, it was nice meeting you Jane," you smiled, "it was nice meeting you too, (M/N), have a good night," she said, before walking back into the forest.

You quickly ran to the back door, once you opened the door your father ran over to you.

"(M/N)! Where have you been?!" he asked in a panic, "I was worried sick!"

"Dad, I was just at (B/F/N)'s house, sorry I forgot to tell you," you chuckled, you hugged your dad and then told him you were going up to your room, he nodded then went back to whatever he was doing.

You pulled down the latter and then descended to the attic, your father had always said that you didn't need to stay up there but you liked it. 

You closed the hatch and then flopped onto your bed, going into a dreamless sleep.

>The next morning<

{(M/N)'s POV}

When I started to wake up I heard people talking, "are we going to wake him up orrr?" a voice said, "We still have like two hours or something till class starts so probably," a different voice said.

At that moment I felt someone yank my blanket away from my body, "what the hell man," I groaned sitting upright. "About time you woke up," someone said, I could tell this was going to be a long day already.

"Why are you in my house?" I asked rubbing my eyes, I felt a dip in the side of my bed. When you looked over you saw Sally, "we have school today!" she smiled, I smiled back at her before looking at my clock, " ya, but it's 5 am, classes don't even start till 9, I could have slept," I sighed, "oh," Ben said sitting down at the end of my bed paying on his phone.

"well since I'm up, Ima get changed," I got out of bed and walked over to my dresser and grabbed some clothes to wear then opened the hatch to my room, throwing the latter down and climbing down, but not before yelling, "don't go threw my stuff please," than throwing the latter back up and watching the hatch close.

I walk over to the bathroom to get changed, I grabbed some boxers, shorts since it supports to be hotter than Brahms Heelshire from the boy, a white t-shirt, and some socks.

I did all that I needed to do before heading back to the attic hatch, once I got it open the latter fell down and so did Sally.

Thank god I was able to catch her, "What happened?" I asked, setting her down, some of the others came down the latter in a hurry to see if Sally was alright, "I was sitting on the hatch," she said looking down at her socked feet.

I sighed, "be more careful next time Sal," I patted her head before walking past her.

I walked into the kitchen to see my father talking to Masky, or should I say, Tim, they seemed to get along.

"Oh! Hey kiddo, I made some toast if you want some," He smiled, how he isn't drunk right now...I'm glad. I smiled and nodded my head, "Hey (M/N)," Tim had said, to tell the truth, Tim and I had had some interactions other that when I was at their house, people thought we were friends when in reality we only owned each other shit, tho over time we started to hang out and talk like we were friends.

"Hey Tim, what do you need this time?" I chuckled, and he laughed, "I'm sorry but you two know each other?" Brian asked leaning over the counter, everyone else seemed just as confused as he was.

"Ya, we met when we were like what? 10?" Tim said, grabbing a piece of toast and putting butter on it, "ya think that's about right," I yawned, grabbing a piece of toast myself.

"wanna head to the school and make the teachers mad?" Tim asked looking at me, "HELL YA!" I yelled running out the door, everyone had followed.

As usual, I had to run threw the forest, but this time not from people but to catch up to people, "HA! IT SEEMS LIKE THE ROLES HAVE SWITCHED!" Jeff yelled from the front, but karmas seems to want to be a bitch to Jeff today.

{Narator's POV.}

You and the others watch as Jeff trips on a rock and falls into a bush. None of you helped him, you just laughed.

"Haha laugh it up, assholes," Jeff had mumbled the last part, the group continued their way threw the forest.

Once out you walked to school but did not go in, instead, you and Tim headed to the back, you two had told the others that you would meet them later.

{Tim's POV.}

It's been a while since (M/N) and I have just sat down and talked, ya' know with the whole me working for Slender, or what (M/N) calls him the Forest Octopus.

"Hey, Tim," (M/N) said, "ya?" "do you ever miss how things were back in the day?" "well not really, you know all the chaos that happened, I would hate to relive that," I sighed, "right..."

>To Be Continued<

Longer chapter cause I had time to do so, Hope you liked it ^^


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