Chapter 2 •Why am I here?•

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{M/N's POV.}

A could hear yelling from inside the room I was in.

I ended up started to wake up, sadly, my head was throbbing.

'God, what happened?' I thought opening one of my eyes but then bringing a hand to my face to shield my face from whatever light is in the room.

It went silent as I moved my arms to my face and groaned in pain.

"HE'S AWAKE!" A child-like voice yelled running around the room, "Sally, please keep it down," A booming male voice said shushing the girl, who I'm guessing is Sally.

"God, my head," I said sitting up rubbing my eyes, "why does it have to be so bright?" I yawned looking around the room I was in.

There were five people in the room, not including myself.

"So, this was the kid that knew about us?" A pale man asked playing with a knife.

"What?" I questioned, "do I know you guys?" I asked.

"Goddammit, Ben! You grabbed the wrong guy!" A male with a feminine mask yelled at a blond boy that's playing on a Gameboy.

"Not my fault Jeff ran into his house," 'Ben' retorted not looking up from his game.

"Hey mister, what's your name?" Sally asked grabbing the sleeve over my shirt, "oh! My name is (M/N), what's yours, sweetie?" I asked patting her head and smiling.

"My name is Sally! Will you play with me?" She asked tilting her head, 'such a cute kid, I shall protect her with my life!' I thought giving her a toothy grin.

"Of course Sally!" I chirped throwing my legs over the side of the bed I was still sitting on.

"You lead the way," I said as the small child grabbed my hand and ran out the door, while everyone else(besides the tall man) was arguing.

We ran down many hallways until we stopped in front of a pink door with stickers on it, "this is my room!" Sally cheered as she opened to door.

The room's walls were pink, toys were on the floor, and in a toy box, there was a small tea table.

At the table, there were four chairs, three empty the last one had a doll sitting on it.

"Let's play tea party!" Sally giggles setting her bear onto one chair and sitting on the one next to it.

I sat next to her, I was a little too tall for the table even though I was (y/h) (aka anything over 5'1") so I sat on the floor.

>after about an hour of playing tea party, princess, and dress up. You also got a tall clown named Laughing Jack or LJ for short to play with you as Sally at one point<

"Sally, me and this kid should go see Slender!" LJ laughed as I was doing makeup on him, he looked nice.

"Awwwww but I still wanna play!" Sally whined pulling the braid she was doing out of my hair.

"Don't worry I'll ask if I can come back and play!" I giggled, patting her head, "ok!" She cheered, giving me a toothy grin.

"Come on kid," LJ said standing up, he took a rag and whipped the makeup I put on away.

I got up as he started to leave, "I'll see you soon Sally," I smiled, running out the door, "LJ! Wait up!" I yelled chasing after him.

>when the two got to Slender's office<

LJ knocked on the door then waited for someone to tell him he can come in, but he walked into the room after a minute, I followed him but just looked around.

"Good afternoon boss," LJ said with a straight face, "good afternoon Laughing Jack, good afternoon (M/N)," the same booming voice from the room I awoke in said calmly.

"Good afternoon sir?" I said/asked,  "may I ask, what is your name?" I asked looking around the room, tho I already knew his name he was THE Slenderman!

"My name's Slenderman, but you seem to already know that," the voice-slender- said, I saw out of the corner of my eye Laughing Jack giving me a questioning look.

Slender was sitting at a desk that was in the middle of the back wall with a large window behind him, he was wearing a suit like what people said, it was weird standing in front of the biggest horror story monster I know of.

"sit," he motioned to the chair in front of him, I didn't want to anger him so I sat down, "you may leave now Laughing Jack," LJ moved quickly out of the room.

"So you going to tell me why I'm here?" I asked, fiddling my fingers, "I need a favor, you do seem aware of who we are (M/N)," he had stood up and faced(?) the window behind him, "well, of course, I know who you guys are, you're horror stories, murderers, cannibals, ghost, etc. I think every kid on the internet knows who you guys are," I said, I didn't know what I had to do but something inside of me told me I had to do it.

"Well whatever you need me to do I'll do it," I sighed, what in the ever living hell am I getting myself into, "great, I need you to watch my men at your school and make sure they don't cause any trouble" when I heard that, I wanted to die.

'This is fine, just have to watch some teens so they don't kill anyone, this will be fine,' I thought, "alright, may I go now?" I said standing.

"Yes, I will send my men to pick you up for school tomorrow, good day (M/N), Jane will take you home, she is at the door," he sat back down as I walked towards the door, once I had opened it and walked out the door slammed behind me.

'That's always amazing,' I thought rolling my eyes as I made my way towards the front door.

>To be continued<

Hi! Sorry it took me a looooong time to get this chapter out, I have had no motivation plus I haven't had anything to use for Wattpad, I finished this in art class :p, thank you for waiting ^^ peace


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