13- Rumlow and the Party Fight

Start from the beginning

Several people screamed in fright.

"Something's there!"

Bucky expertly through a rock at a tree, for it to go bouncing off branches and creating an ominous echo - resulting in more shouts of fright.

"Go back! Go back!"

Steve had Peggy wrapped under his arm, both looking scared. They realised what they were doing however and quickly parted with embarrassed little smiles.

Amongst the shouts, the group heard laughter and turned to see Bucky and Natasha laughing to themselves in the back.

The pair looked to the group guiltily before turning around to face the other way, trying to look innocent.

As they started to walk back, Bucky waited for him to be at the rear end of the pack, not wanting to have his back turned to so many people. Nat followed up and they soon fell back into their expertly silent and agile footsteps.

Natasha suddenly sighed, pulling her jacket closer around her and glancing sideways at Bucky. "Everything all good at home?" she said slowly.

They stopped abruptly in their tracks as everything devouring Bucky's mind threatened to spill. He wanted to tell her everything, get reassurance, ease his conscious. He just needed someone to talk to because he had no one. No one could know.

No, Bucky's thoughts screamed at him. I'm so tired and over everything. What do I do?! You don't deserve help, you monster. How could you think that? All the things you've done...

Instead, he inhaled the cold night air sharply through his nose and continued walking with his gaze firmly ahead. "It's fine."

His home life didn't really bother him, it was everything else. The tragic home situation only added to everything he felt, creating a bigger mess to deal with all by himself.

"Okay. I just want you to know you can talk to me," Natasha said so sincerely that Bucky's heart broke with gratitude, tears welling up in his tired blue eyes. "Steve and Sam too... we'll all listen."

He just wished he could.

They parted through the woods and back into Sharon's backyard, where Sam was passed out on a lounge chair and Clint was threatening to push him in the pool. Instead, Tony pushed Clint in with a huge splash.

"I'm gone for five minutes!" Natasha exclaimed as she dragged Clint out of the pool.

Bucky didn't miss the threatening and envious glance Rumlow sent his way, eyes flicking from him to Nat. He had managed to avoid him the whole night... until now.

Rumlow sauntered over to the small group by the pool, Pierce close behind.

"How were the woods, Nat? I heard screams," he held a hand to his heart, "I got worried," then he turned to glare accusingly at Bucky, "you didn't do anything, did you?"

Bucky glanced at him uneasily from his precarious seat on a chair next to Sam and Steve. Clint had left for a towel and Nat stood with her hands on her hips.

"No," she said firmly. "It was fun."

"I should've come." Rumlow stepped closer. Nat just glared into his eyes, holding her ground.

"I'm glad you didn't," Steve muttered.

Rumlow fumed. He turned around, whipping his horrible haircut through the air, fists balled. In an instance of complete stupidity, he punched Steve in the face.

The crowd went silent as they stared at the scene.

Steve staggered back, holding his bleeding nose, a look of anger and determination in his frowning eyes. Bucky jumped up himself, fists clenched, but someone else had it under control.

It was Rumlow's turn to stumble back as Natasha jabbed him in the jaw.

A captivating smirk was painted on her face as Bucky stood in shock, and admiration. Steve wasn't wrong about Natasha's feistiness.

She went towards Steve when Rumlow, with a grin on his own face, roughly grabbed at Nat's wrist.

Bucky stepped in then. Who did Rumlow think he was?

His left hand harshly pulled Rumlow's away from Nat's arm and pushed him away, turning to Steve and Nat with a bewildered look on his face.

They all shared a laugh before a great roar erupted from behind them. Distracted by his friends, Bucky didn't see Rumlow charging at him like a bull.

"I've had enough of you, Barnes!"

Rumlow leapt through the air and barged into Bucky, causing them both to fall messily to the paved ground right beside the pool. Bucky quickly put his metal arm down to break the impact, wincing as the metal appendage dug into his shoulder. Screams of shock erupted from around them.

They hit the ground with a bang, Bucky narrowly escaping a cracked skull as his head whiplashed over the pool edge, neck on the corner and hair dripping in the water.

Rumlow had an evil look in his eye, one fist raised with the other arm pressed against Bucky's neck uncomfortably.

He underestimated Bucky though, as his face went instinctively blank, eyes cold and dark. A metal hand blocked Rumlow's fist and the ex-assassin effortlessly threw the other teen over his head and into the pool.

Silence ensued as Bucky carefully stood up as if he was getting out of bed and not from getting thrown to the ground and winded, staring blankly at his mission.

Mission accomplished.

No. Not a mission. What the hell?

He was brought back to reality when people started to laugh and chat around with concern, all sharing videos they had filmed on their phones, whilst Rumlow's group helped him out of the pool.

Bucky shook his head around in an effort to dry off the water as Steve and Natasha approached him with grins on their faces.

"You alright?" Bucky quickly checked, scanning Nat's wrist and Steve's bloody face.

"Yeah," Steve chuckled. He wiped his face with the back of his hand. "Are you?"

Bucky nodded, staring off at Rumlow who looked ready to kill him, and rubbed the back of his head to make sure he hadn't split it on the pavers. "He's fun," he commented sarcastically.

Steve was now trying to get the oblivious, sleeping Sam off the chair. "Should we go Buck?" he chuckled.

Bucky nodded again, waving good bye to Nat and Clint, who were perfectly capable to take care of themselves. As Steve struggled, Bucky swooped in and slung the sleeping Sam over his shoulder with his left arm.

"Show off," Steve muttered whilst grinning. He was still trying to stop blood pouring from his nose.

Bucky hadn't noticed the crowd around them, watching them leave. He smirked to himself as they pushed past everyone and threw Sam into the backseat of Steve's car. Steve managed to put the seatbelt on him before leaving the chaos.

A/N: hope you are enjoying this story!! If you are, please vote so I know and I will try to update more regularly :)

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