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It's been 2 years since the last summer I went to Tokyo. I miss Japan, especially Kiyoomi. I kinda feel guilty for not chatting with him for the past few days.

I wanna surprise him. After all, We'll finally settle down in Tokyo after who knows how many years we've stayed in France.

I plop down to my bed, tired. Memories from last night once again have flashed into my head.


We're having dinner outside the house, I wonder what's the special occasion.

"Sweetie, have you thought about what you wanted for your birthday?" My mom asked, but before answering I thought of my answer first.

I already have everything a person could ask for.

But if there's something I want, it's to finally go back to Tokyo.

"I want to go back to Tokyo― I want us to go back to Tokyo, to finally settle down." I took a piece of the pasta and ate it, chewing while waiting for their answer.

"Are you sure that's your final wish" I nod sipping some water, there's wine but I'm a good girl.

And good girls don't drink till they're 18.

"Even if you didn't ask we're actually planning on staying in Tokyo for once and for all My dear. That's why we're eating here tonight to celebrate." I choked my food hearing what my mom had just said.


I need water

I chugged down the water from my cup.

"I have a lot of questions right now but Can I ask for a new wish?" My Dad grins, I know where this is going at...

"But you said it was your final wish, so no taking it back sweetie" I stare at him with a blank expression.

As if that was funny

Thankfully Mom stopped him playfully hitting his head, They're making me so single.

"Wish for whatever you want honey, we'll give it to you" I smiled at my mom, I love her so much.

"Don't want anything at the moment, I'll eventually think of something. " I smile placing both my hands under my chin supporting it.


Can't wait to see Kiyoomi, my cute Omi...

I feel myself dozing off. I'll definitely miss this bed.


When is he exactly going to come back and visit?

Sakusa looks at his bracelet playing with it, looking through the charms. 

"Sakusa!" His attention is diverted to his cousin running towards him. Panting, he took a pause before speaking, "Coach said he'll have to get home sooner than expected due to an errand." Sakusa nods standing off the bleachers and dusting off his pants.

"So.... when is Miyazaki san visiting?" Sakusa looked at Komori for a second, just shrugging off his shoulders " He hasn't texted or called me for 3 days." " For 3 DAYS" he emphasized. "Jeez, I'm sure he's just busy doing something." 

"I'm sure that if he's busy with something it's going to be training himself to the point of exhaustion, that's what I'm worried about." Komori snickered, "Well that's rich coming from you" He rolled his eyes at his amused friend.

Komori hooks his arm on his cousin's shoulder, which Sakusa swiftly shook off. 

"Don't touch me, and I'll be going somewhere so you walk by yourself" He says pointing to Komori. "Well, it seems that I've hit a nerve". 

"I really should find someone to date," Komori says smiling as he watched his friend leave.



What gift should I give him?

I scan through lots and lots of options. what should I even buy him? Is he even coming back? He literally has everything, and it's making me difficult to choose, even with all these options-

"Hello, sir! How may I help you?" 

Just great, I must've been zoning out for a bit enough to be noticed.

I turn around greeted by a worker. Might as well get some help if I want to leave the earliest as possible. "What does your girlfriend like these days?" I scrunched my brows in response to the comment.

"It's for a friend, and he's a boy, not a girl." I clarify, looking at her expression he must've not seen that coming. " Oh sorry! I should've asked first" he looked embarrassed, to say the least.

 I remembered his question earlier, now that I know what to give him I should just ask if it's possible.

"Please lead the way to build a bear."


To be continued

lilac's notes: first chapter everyone, i hope you liked it!!!

Please leave a like:)

𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora