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After a couple of days of packing and preparing. It's finally done, and it's the day of our flight...

Well, technically my parents insisted on taking a private jet instead of booking. We don't want reporters flashing on our way there. The news might reach Japan before we get there and I don't want Kiyoomi to know that we're coming back.

Now now where's the fun in that.

I enter the jet with the help of some people, this is what I get for helping the maids pack.

I can't just leave them packed while I sit and relax, that'll be so rude. Besides it's my stuff, I want everything to be organized and clean.


I sound like Kiyoomi

"What are you smiling for honey?" 

Was I smiling?

I shook my head off as I look at my mom. "Your hair is pretty long at this moment. Do you want me to schedule a trim?" I shook my head again.

I open an eye only to see my mom frowning, did sumthin' happen?

"Sweetie you need a break"

I yawned as I answered "I am completely fine, no need to worry about me. Just having some headaches, didn't know that packing could be that hard."

"Do you want a vacation first?" I sit up straight, interested.

"Yeah, She definitely needs a vacation." I smiled at my Mom.

"But what about Kiyoomi?"

"Me and your mom talked with his parents, But he doesn't know that we're coming home. Well, at least not yet" I nod, feeling a bit relaxed.

"Where do you want to go, sweetie? Thailand? China? Singapore? The States?"

"Just want it to be there in Tokyo, In one of our resorts. I'm too tired to travel again."

My parents have agreed to let me have my break in my favorite resort. I remembered that I and Kiyoomi used to play there when we were still kids.

I closed my eyes and smile at the thought.

I wonder... Does he have a girlfriend right now?

Wth, What is it to me if he has?

"Listen Kaori" I open my eyes swiftly my Dad never calls me by my name unless it's something serious.

I signed him to continue speaking, "Don't you think that Kiyoomi should know now?" I thought about it.

"I've kept it for him for more than a decade dad. And my birthday is in a few months. I'll tell him about it, I'll still need to think about what I'm going to say."

"One more thing Honey. Your cousin called us. She's coming with you to the resort." Sparkles can be shown in my eyes, I'm sure of that.

My parents just chuckled at me.

"Of course, After all, I need someone to spill the tea while I was gone. And I missed her."

Rumi knows that I'm a girl and out of all my cousins she's the closest one to me. I don't know if it has to do with being a girl, most of my cousins are boys, but not all.

And If I mean the 'closest'. She's literally the closest to us. I can walk going to her house, so we have sleepovers sometimes.

I really need to sleep.



I groan feeling someone talking to me.

As I open my eyes I saw my Dad dressed up formally.

"Kiyoomi, I and your mom are staying up late tonight, there's important news. Have Motoya or some friends come over if you want.

I'm sure you'll be struck to hear that Ka-" my dad got cut off by my mom entering my room.

"Honey, we'll be late if we'll stay for another minute. I'm sure Kiyoomi knows."

"And, Oh, By the way, your coach called. You guys are going to have a training camp at a beach resort"

My parents bid goodbyes after saying that.


"I really wanted to sleep more" I mumbled covering my eyes with my arm.

What do they mean by training Camp?

Most definitely what do they mean by the news?

I should definitely call Komori over.


To be continued

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