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"Based on our diagnosis and tests you're not sick Sakusa.

I think you're just simply in love."

Sakusa wrote an excuse letter only to be told that he was in love?

"I think you're the one who needs some check-up, doctor."

The doctor placed his palm on his chest and made a dramatically loud gasp.

"I have been your doctor since you were very young and you're doubting me?"

"You said your symptoms include; skipping of heartbeats, feeling hot on your cheeks, etc." Kiyoomi nods.

"And you said that it only comes sometimes." He nods again.

"He's clearly in love, doctor." The nurse stuck out his head secretly peaking.

" I told you, I am not in love!"

Sakusa was frustrated, he knew that something is wrong with him and he definitely knew that he was not in love. At-least that's what he likes to say.

Well... Come to think of it, he always feels those symptoms only when you're around.

He feels very shy and fluffy only when it's you he's facing.

And that's when it clicked that whether he likes it or not, Sakusa may have a tiny bit of a crush on you.

"Actually, I take that back." Sakusa mumbled enough for them to hear.

"I may or may not have developed a little crush on someone."

Sakusa gently scratched his ear looking away, He was thankful for his mask. He wouldn't want to let his Doctor and nurse know how you made a big toll on him like this.

"See, told ya."

"But is it a sickness to be attracted to someone of the same gender?"

Out of the years, he's been working for Sakusa, he's never made such interesting questions. Until today, that is...

"Nope," The Doctor says popping the 'p'


"I'm Miyazaki Kaori. It's nice to meet everyone!" You introduced yourself with a bow.

Your teacher told you to pick any seats that you'll find comfort in.

You noticed a familiar face so you decided to sit beside her.

"Hello, It's nice to see you again. I didn't know that we would be classmates." She giggled.

"Are you free this lunch?" You nod with a smile.

"Since it's your first day here in Itachiyama, I'll be treating you. Also to make up for the stupid mistake my club members did to you." Fumiko mumbled the last part quite inaudible for you to catch on.

"Is it okay if I bring my friends with me?"

"Sure I'd be happy to meet those lovely people, they say the more the merrier right?"


"Tadashi Fumiko everyone. It's a pleasure meeting Miyazaki san's friends."

"I already know who you are, no need to introduce yourself formally. It's not like we never talked to each other." Rumi puckered her lips looking at Fumiko.

"Wait, so you guys know each other." Rumi nodded.

"How could I not know the president of the News Paper club? They've been giving us all the tea in the school."

"Oh, tell me about it. It's more like gossip news than school news now. I need to teach those first years a lesson. They've gone too far, to be honest."

Rumi nods agreeing. After the incident where you got published on the school's newspaper page, everybody could see how angry and disappointed Fumiko was.

But it seems that you weren't aware of the news based on how you got shocked when a group of students came to your table.

"How can I help you..?" You asked looking at them.

"Uhmm... Miyazaki san, we're really sorry about publishing you on our page without your consent. As the Journalists of our school, we are embarrassed by our own behavior and we have reflected on our actions with the help of our president.

So we're really sorry about what happened." Multiple apologies have followed after that too.

When the situation was explained to you you were thankful that they apologized as soon as possible and took down the article immediately. But of course, you were still uncomfortable about the whole situation, maybe a little bit mad.

"I appreciate the apologies you guys, but the next time you'll be publishing something relating to me or my friends make sure you'll have our consent first.

Especially when it's pictures. I hope there won't be the next time this. Or else I'll be taking appropriate and legal actions for this." You didn't notice but your aura scared the heck out of those students.

After apologizing for the nth time they flew away.

"Wow, I didn't know you were that scary when you're mad." Fumiko looked scared and a little bit amused.

"Well, that's big coming from you, their faces when they mentioned you were priceless." Rumi was holding her stomach from all the laughing.

"By the way, why isn't Omi here?"

"Omi?" Fumiko repeated in a curious manner.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi" Rumi replied.

"Sakusa, as in the Sakusa?!" Rumi nodded.

"Are you guys close with each other?" Fumiko looked at the girls. "We're friends but Kaori and he are practically the closest." You smiled.

"That's so cool!"

"Is he your boyfriend Miyazaki san?" You choked on your saliva hearing it. "NOO! HA HA. He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends."

"Yeah, Yeah. That's what a person would say if asked about his crush." Fumiko smirked so did Rumi.

"Oh God, I shouldn't have let you two meet. Who knows what you crackheads are up to."


To be continued

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