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It was a sunny day in Itachiyama high, the weather was perfect for today's event.

The school is having a celebration due to the end of midterms. It was already decided that the clubs will have a theme for the festival.

Each club has its own tent or place. As for those students who chose to not participate in the event they are free to stroll around the school grounds to entertain themselves.

It was a tradition for the school to have this festival but this year seems a bit more interesting than the past years before.

The club managers' may have gone competitive to see the best club win.

The newspaper club decided to have a photo booth where you could wear costumes and stuff. However, not all members of the club get to have fun.

Some field members are required to stroll around to find some scoop after all they have responsibilities as the journalists of the school, and that includes Fumiko.

"Don't worry Fumi chan, you're not alone. We'll keep you company in the meantime. Right, Kaori?" Rumi nudged you but her eyes were on the girl she wanted to cheer up.

You knew that Fumiko wanted some scoop for the newspaper so you tried suggesting some interesting things that the clubs offer.

"I heard that the Art club will draw a portrait of yourself. Shall we go on to their place?" You saw Fumiko's eyes lit up while nodding.

"Art club it is then!"

"I didn't know that there are really plenty of students roaming around in this part of the school, the art club must've been really successful with their service." Rumi looked around seeing various students holding a canvas painted something on it.

"Oh My GOSH, The Girls Football Club and the Boys Volleyball club clashed themes! The theme must be well known enough to be considered by both clubs!!!"

You heard what they said which made you stop your tracks but so did Fumiko.

The journalist knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a clash of themes happening at their school's festival.

However, Rumi noticed that she was the only one walking so she ran back to you guys who seemed interested in something.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother you but did I her correct about that?"

You patted the girl's shoulder which made her and her friends stop in their tracks. Fumiko was behind you waiting for their reply.

"OH Yes Yes! The Football Club is just a tent away from here but the Volleyball Club is at their Gym.

You guys should really check out The Volleyball Club first. We came there and they offer a dating auction!!

I betted 2,978 yen to have a date with Captain Iizuna, but I think that someone would still be able to pass on that." The random girl scratched her nape in embarrassment.

"Wait, So the Volleyball club is like having a Dating auction?" Rumi popped up beside Fumiko's back which made them shocked a bit.

"AH let me explain further!! They have the same theme as the Football club so in order to at least make theirs different from the other the Volleyball Teams' manager decided to put up a dating auction for their players." Rumi's mouth formed an 'o'

"What's their theme in the first place?" You asked

"OH Gosh!! I can't believe I forgot to mention the important part.

The theme is a Maid Cafe'"



"Whats with the frown Sakusa?"

"Are you enjoying this? Do you have no pride?" I ask Komori.

"What do you mean? We look like princesses in these." I scowled when he decided to twirl his dress.

"When did maids become princesses?" I stood up from my chair.

"Let's get this over with, I'm in charge of cooking duty. I don't want to be the one serving."

"Haven't Captain told you?" UGH, what is it again?


"You're one of the players that are auctioned to so you don't really have to do anything but sit in front of our stand." I could feel the soul exit out of my body.

"They are doing what now!?"

"Well, Our theme was similar to the Girls' Football team so our manager decided to spice it up by adding up a date auction to our service."

"You really don't have a choice Saku-chan, our manager threatened us that if we don't do our jobs right she'll tell coach to bench us for the whole season." I could see Komori shiver in fear.

I remembered the last time Iizuna jokingly teased our manager he never got to play the nationals.

"And besides, the date will only go around in the afternoon till the night show so you really won't have to worry about it.

And I'm sure that your girlfriend would bet on you." I didn't quite hear the last part of what Komori said I just shrugged it off.

As I got outside of our resting area I saw a long line of students waiting for their turn on the board, I assume it's where you bet stuff.

I waved my hands to the students who were staring at me. It's not that bad actually.







As much as I wanted to shoo them away I can't

I respect that they respect our space by not pushing each other just to stay close with us. They're at least 2/3 feet away, but I could still hear their screams. I should've brought an earplug or something.

As I sit on my supposed chair of a thrown I can't help but scan my eyes to find my girlfriend. I'm sure that everybody should at least have heard of what's going around here right now.

"Is somebody looking for me?" Kaori

"You're here." I could feel the heat rush into my cheeks. She's not even kissing me right now.

"Aren't you happy to see me here?" I chuckled lightly when she pouted.

"I am happy. Though I'd be happier if we were to be in somewhere quiet right now."

"Omi your hands are shaking." I felt Kaori clasp my hands with hers and gently caressed it.

"Nothing new." I shrugged it off but she clearly isn't doing the same.

"I promise to get us out of here once the bidding stops."

"Our manager isn't going to let that happen. You have been here only for a few months but you know how she is." She laughed, fingers covering her mouth.

"Omi I placed a bet for you. I'm already certain that I'll be the one to get you but if not then there's more where that came from." The butterflies are starting again.






A good way to ruin it.

"I guess that I'm not the only one who has a fan club now."


To be continued

lilacs' note:

I think Omi is a bit jealous that reader has a fan club now:>

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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘 - SAKUSA. K.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz