Chapter 16 - Married With Children

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February 1997..

Mila had brought Donovan to work with her as Noel had Leia for the day.

'How's Mollie?' Mila asked Steph as she was typing on her computer with Donovan on her lap. She was wearing a smart black dress with tights and kitten heels.

'Oh she's great, I'm starting to think she's looking more like Liam than me now' Steph said as she flicked through a book.

'I think Leia looks a lot like Noel' Mila said as she took Donovans hand and pulled it off her necklace.

'Oh she does' Steph smiled.

'Look Donovan, what's that on the computer?' Mila asked as she got a picture of a dog up for him.

Donovan just stared at it then gurgled clapping his hands.

'It's a dog!' Mila smiled.

Donovan smiled and hit the keyboard.

'No Donovan, be careful' Mila told him off pulling his hands off the keyboard.

'What are you girls up to?' the boss asked from around the corner.

'Nothing' the girls said as they quickly put Donovan down under the table.

'What's going on in here?' the boss asked as he walked in.

Under the table, Donovan was staring at Steph's high heels thinking they looked like one's his Mum had.

'We were just finishing that article on the new bands you told us to write about' Mila lied.

'Oh really?' the boss asked.

'Oh no' Stephanie smiled as she felt Donovan pull her high heel off under the table and tickle her foot making her laugh.

The boss frowned, 'I think something funny is going on' he said as he knelt down and looked under the table to see Donovan staring up at him with his Gallagher blue eyes and a dummy in his mouth.

'What's that?' he frowned.

'It looks like a baby' Steph said.

'It looks like a baby?.. I can see it's a baby!' the boss shouted as he stood up.

-'What the hell is a baby doing in my office, it's not a nursery!'

'Sir, it's the first time I've ever brought him to work and it was because I couldn't get anyone to look after him at the moment'

'Ohhh I see, I see what your up to. You think because you have a son that you deserve special consideration?'

'Oh no, I'd never ask for special consideration' Mila shook her head. 'It's just, his Dad has our daughter for the day and his Grandma and Uncle couldn't watch him as they're in Ireland at the moment'

'Let me tell you something missy, journalism is filled with hardship. It's nothing but sacrifice. If you wanted something easy then why didn't you become something else?!' the boss shouted as Donovan was squirting glue over his shoes without him realising. He didn't like anyone shouting at his Mum.

That night..

'Oh you should of heard my boss when he found out I had Donovan at work yesterday' Mila said feeling annoyed as she sat down beside Noel who had Donovan on his lap watching the football.

'Why what did he say?' he asked.

'He was shouting so much, I could feel myself getting a headache'

'Just ignore him' Noel said as he passed Donovan to her then picked up his guitar from the side of the sofa.

'I can't believe we're getting married next month' Mila said in disbelief as she watched Leia playing with her dolls on the floor.

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