Chapter 6 - Lover

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Since Noel left, Mila kept having weird dreams about him.

She often dreamt of Noel and her at a masquerade party where she would be looking for him amongst a bunch of random strangers then she would finally find him and they would start to dance together in a sort of daze but she blamed that dream from watching to much Labyrinth before going to sleep and maybe drugs..

She missed him so much and the days dragged. Noel had only rung her now and then as he said he was so busy. She would wake up constantly looking at the clock and the day. She began to feel lonely without him. She had turned 21 and had a big party with a few close friends there including Liam, Bonehead, Guigsy and Tony but it wasn't the same without Noel.

Mila woke up one morning to a text from Liam that read, Doing a gig today at a bar. I'll text you whereabouts later so you can come see us. Liam x

Little did Mila know, Noel was on his way back from touring with the Inspiral carpets and was also going to see Liams band perform live.

Mila excitedly got ready after she had recieved a text from Liam telling her the gig location. She put on a nice red top with a black skirt and ankle boots. She decided on just leaving her golden brown hair hanging.

At the gig..

Mila arrived excited to see Liam and the boys perform for the first time. She was also nervous to hear how they sounded, if they'd be good or bad. She had never heard them perform before.

Mila sat up front putting her bag on the table watching as a few more people crowded in.

After a while of waiting, the venue was suddenly packed with people coming to see what these young boys had got.

Mila watched as the boys walked out onto the stage taking their instruments and getting them ready. An 18 year old Liam suddenly swaggered out onto the stage wearing tracksuit bottoms and shaking a tambourine. His hair was all messy like he had just woken up with it like that and not bothered with it but Liam had that over confident attitude, where he couldn't care less what other people thought about him. Mila admired that in him.

'Alright people' he spoke into the mic in his thick Mancunian accent. Mila cheered excitedly and Liam winked at her as the band started playing. They were singing a couple of songs Liam and Bonehead had written together.

Noel suddenly walked in with his guitar across his back, pushing through the crowd of people to get to the front.

Mila was up and dancing, completly unaware that Noel was standing not so far away from her watching his brother and the band in amazement.


'That was fucking great lads!' Liam said smiling and high fiving the boys as they walked backstage feeling proud.

'That was fucking brilliant!' Bonehead said ecstatically hugging Liam.

'You looking for a good guitarist?' Noel suddenly asked.

The lads all turned to see Noel standing in the doorway backstage with his guitar round his back. His hair had been cut slighty shorter but it still had the thickness.

'Noel?!' Liam smiled pulling his brother into a friendly hug.

'Fuck off man soppy' Noel laughed pushing Liam playfully.

'Alright Noel' Guigsy smiled to him.

'Alright Guigs' Noel nodded.

'You seen us then?' Bonehead asked as he rolled a cigarette up on his leg.

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