Chapter 14 - Baby Blue

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A couple of months later..

A pregnant Mila was lying in bed with Noel and they were kissing when Leia suddenly screamed from the next room.

'I better go get that' Mila said as she pulled away from Noel.

'Mummy, Daddy!' Leia shouted.

'It's alright, I'll go see her okay?' Noel said.

'Okay' Mila smiled as she pulled him into a kiss again.

'Monsters, monsters!' Leia shouted.

'I'm coming Leia!' Noel called as he got up off the bed and walked into Leia's room.

'Monsters Daddy!' Leia cried as she sat up in her bed.

'Monsters?' Noel asked as he sat down on her bed.

'Where? There's no monsters, look' Noel got up and switched her bedroom light on.

'Was it this guy here?' He asked as he picked up one of Leia's toys.

-'No, I don't wanna scare Leia, I'm more scared of her little miss bossy boots' Noel put on a funny voice and Leia giggled.

'See, no scary monsters here. Your Daddys here anyway so he'll scare them off. You know no one messes with me' Noel said as he sat back on her bed.

Leia smiled. 'I know'

She wrapped her arms around him hugging him tight. Noel smiled and cuddled her.

'Now go to sleep naughty' he said before kissing her head.

'Good night Daddy' Leia said as she lay down and Noel pulled her blankets up over her.

'Night princess' he smiled as he got up and turned her light off.


The following morning..

'Hey' Noel smiled as Mila came back from her baby shopping with Stephanie.

He was sitting at the table beside Leia who was sitting in her high chair.

'Hey' Mila said as she walked in with a couple of big bags.

-'Hey sweetie' Mila smiled as she leant forward and kissed Leia's cheek.

'What did you get?' Noel asked.

'I got a few baby things'

'And?' Noel asked staring at her.

'I'm having a boy' Mila smiled happily.

'No way' Noel smiled as he got up and pulled her into a hug.

'Leia did you hear that? You're gonna be a big sister' Noel said.

'You're gonna have a brother!' Mila said excitedly.

'That's great. Was routing for a son' Noel clapped his hands together.

'Brother?' Leia asked confused as she stared up at them with tomato sauce around her mouth.

Mila laughed a little, 'Yeah and do you know what that means?' she asked as she picked up a tissue.

'No' Leia shook her head.

'It means, Daddy can take him out to football games and do boy stuff while me and you can do girly things together' Mila said as she wiped the tomato sauce off Leia's mouth.

'Yey!' Noel said ecstatically.


The next day, Mila was out with a very pregnant Stephanie and they were having lunch together while Leia was at Peggys and Noel and Liam were away with the band doing gigs.

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