Chapter 11: A Tough Challenge

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Following the most heavenly day of the week came to most hellish day of the week. Or at least that was for Y/N. Today was PACKED with physical training and barely 1 study lesson. Sol was also a little nervous due to how rough yesterday's 'warm-up session' was.

They both shared the exact same schedule today, only each focusing on different improvements. However, they didn't always share the same schedule. There were days where Y/N would be the only one training while Sol was the only one studying and vise versa. They usually had one or two days a week where they shared their schedules so that they could both help each other improve on their weaknesses. This was one of those days.

As Y/N put on her Samue Kimono, she couldn't help the nervous thoughts that came to her mind. Today... are we going to train using THIOSE things..? She thought as an image of the hellish tools they had to carry yesterday popped into her mind. A nervous sweat dropped from the side of her face as she continued getting dressed.


Just like the day before, Tsubasa sat on the platform with a teacup in hand while her two students sat on the snow, facing her.

"Alright, we will have a rough day ahead of us. I expect that you both keep up, alright?" She asked, a smile on her face. "HAI!" both of them yelled in unison. Why did they yell that? They don't know, it just felt right at that moment.

Tsubasa got up, the other two standing up with her. She got down from the platform, stepping into the backyard. "First of all, I should explain what these tools are and their use" she said as she walked towards the two wooden tools that stood in the snow. They were just where Sol and Y/N had left them the day before.

Both Y/N and Sol stood in place, paying close attention to their master. "This tool is the wooden dummy. I'll explain more about it's origins and so on at a later time. This tool is an upgraded version of the Chinese wooden dummy used in Kung Fu training." Tsubasa explained as she lightly brushed her hand on the wooden tool.

"I've asked an old friend long ago to create an upgraded version. This version allows me to control the speed, strength and weight of the dummy." she turned the dummy with ease, opening a lid in the lower back which revealed a few buttons and switches.

The dummy was very flexible. It was placed on a round platform that allowed it to rotate with ease. The wooden arms were also able to rotate around the entire structure. Some were even able to go up and down.

"The way this dummy works is that when you hit an arm, it rotates and hits you back. Depending on the heaviness it is set on, hitting an arm can make it move easily or it can be very tough. The hit back will be as much strength as you put into your attack, although it can be set as higher." She continued as she closed the lid.

"With this, I can easily tweak each dummy to fit each of your needs. You can both do the same training but each will have different flexibility and strength within your dummies."

The other two nodded, a serious expression on their face. This is such a great tool for training. Y/N thought, admiring the very customizable tool.

"Now then, I'll set up the tools and then we can begin." Tsubasa said as she opened the back lid for one of the tools and started tampering with it.

A few minutes passed and she was done. After she set up both, she got up and walked back towards the platform, gracefully sitting back down. She grabbed her teacup in hand before announcing "You may start".

Hesitantly, both students walked towards their dummies. They stood there, staring at them for a second. Does the back-hit hurt...? Y/N thought nervously

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