Chapter 6 : Master

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A/N : I drew Tsubasa Kazu up there! ^
Long chapter ahead. ;)


Giyuu laid Y/N down onto the soft futon. He quickly pulled up her vest and her white shirt to get a better look at the wound. It's bleeding again!

"Take a deep breathe" Giyuu instructed as he placed both hands on the wound, ready to press down. Y/N did as instructed, taking in a shaky deep breathe. As soon as she did that, Giyuu started applying pressure to the wound. He could feel her stiffen up and heard her groans of pain. "Relax, deep breathes" he instructed as he continued applying pressure.

Just then, Tsubasa arrived, with Sol behind her carrying a few things. "Let me take over from here." Tsubasa said as she told Sol to put everything down beside Y/N. Giyuu nodded, getting up and allowing Tsubasa to sit in his place.

One look at the wounds was enough to figure out everything. "Out, now."

Without any question, Giyuu immediately lead Sol and himself out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Please be okay, Nee-Chan...


Tsubasa immediately got to work. She quickly took off Y/N's shirt, vest, and jacket, as they were getting in the way. She then started by applying pressure to stop the bleeding. Since Giyuu had already applied enough pressure, the bleeding stopped very quickly.

She then grabbed and towel, soaking it into the jug of water before using it to clean up the wound. Once the wound was cleaned up, she could finally get a better look at it.

A wound this deep will need stitches.

Tsubasa grabbed the medicine, pouring a decent amount onto a small towel, before applying it to the wound. She then grabbed a needle to stitch up the wound and started working on it.

Y/N was in a daze by this time. Her senses were a mess due to the bone-chilling pain she was feeling. A pain she never thought she would experience in her entire life. She was so thankful to the rush of adrenaline that held her mind together. She didn't know what was worse, the original sharp pain from her wound, the piercing stinging from the medicine, or the now present pain of the needle piercing through her skin and the hard tug of the string. Whichever one was worse couldn't compare to feeling all three at the same time.

Is this what hell feels like? She thought as she blankly stared up at the ceiling. She felt as though her body wasn't hers anymore. The screams of agony, the stiffening muscles, the horrid expressions on her face, were all something she couldn't control anymore.

Hopefully I'll pass out soon...


Both Giyuu and Sol were waiting right outside the room. Sol was sitting on the ground, hands covering his ears as tears flooded his eyes. Giyuu was pacing the floor, from one side to another, an unreadable expression on his face.

They could both hear the screams and groans of pain coming from within the room and it was agonizing for the both of them. The stench of blood was also very strong, making Sol's stomach churn.

It's been 2 hours since the two boys were kicked out.

The ruckus had calmed down a bit, and a silence filled the place. Giyuu assumed that Y/N had passed out.

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