Chapter 10 : Let's Get Training!

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A/N : The training tools looked kinda like the ones on top, but thicker and with some metal here and there. ^^


Today was a special day. It was going to be the most peaceful day of the week. Why? It was PACKED with study lessons and only 1 physical training. Well, Sol was very upset and even called this day "the worst day of the week". However, for Y/N, it was a totally different story.

She was still feeling a little shaken up mentally from last night. However, she was very positive today since her body felt very well-rested and energized. My body's in peak condition today. I MUST use this as an opportunity and try my best at training, even if it's only 1 session!

Everyone took notice of Y/N's great condition. Her skin was glowing and her movement was pretty swift and smooth. She felt as though she was reborn with no stress, pain or discomfort anywhere in her body or on her mind. It all felt so clear.

"Alright, let's get to training." Tsubasa announced as she sat behind the sliding door opening to the backyard. She was sitting on the platform, a cup of green tea in hand, as she watched her two students.

The only session was their daily warm-up session. "Both of you have to run around the house's perimeter 10 times. Then you must do 3 sets of 30 push ups, 3 sets of 20 pulls up, and finally 3 sets of 20 squats. I've made the warm-ups easy for you since you're just starting." Tsubasa explained as she took a sip of her tea.

Y/N's face paled a bit. Going easy... she thought mockingly in her mind. If this was EASY then what exactly would HARD be? No worries. I can do this. Today, I should be able to handle this training. She encouraged herself as she started doing some warm-up stretches.


Running her final lap around the house, Y/N strangely didn't feel her legs burn. At least not as much as they did before. She felt as though her endurance had gotten 10x stronger since last night. This made her even more confident in her abilities as the warm up session continued. She swiftly finished all of her exercises with a minimum amount of pain. Although her posture was FAR from perfect on many exercises, it was a great improvement.

"Woah! Nee-chan! You're doing so well!" Sol cheered as he saw how much his sister had improved since their last training.

Tsubasa was sitting on the platform, observing all of this. To have improved this much in one night is impossible. Something must've happened... She sipped on her warm tea as she continued observing the training. She wasn't upset, it was far from that. This was actually a very welcome improvement. However, it was very strange and quite suspicious to say the least.

As the warm up session came to an end, the two sat on the cold icy ground facing their teacher to listen to her next orders. "Alright, we are done with physical training for today. However..." they both had a bad feeling about what's to come. "Our first training session tomorrow will be focused on strength and reflexes, something both of you struggle with. We'll need a special tool for that. Since we have lots of time today and basically no training, I thought it'd be better if we got it today." As Tsubasa explained, the 'special tool' caught both of the student's interests.

Tsubasa stood up and got down from the platform, her sandals sinking into the snow. "Follow me" she said with a smile, before heading off in a certain direction. Sol and Y/N looked at each other in confusion before running after their master.

"Wait!" Y/N couldn't help but call out as she noticed Tsubasa getting farther and farther. The two siblings were basically running after her at full speed. Just how is she so fast? She's only walking! How is she walking so quickly?! Just then, Y/N remembered the lecture on Weightless Breathing. If the normal person dies at 50%, and Tsubasa-sama managed to reach 250%, then... right now.. the air must be INSANELY LIGHT for her!! This made Y/N understand how her master was moving so fast.

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