Dev looked at his elder brother (in a stern voice) - Do you want to witness the same thing happening again, Bhai...!?

Karan with a shattered face - Dev stop.... Please stop..

The face of his little brother lying with a big bandage on his head after falling down from the stairs comes in front of him in his mind ...

Flashback After Adi fell down from the stairs.

Rajiv looked at his son through the door how Viraj's mother is treating his son and he looked at Viraj with Arav.

Viraj hugged Arav who is more worried having little tears in his eyes - Little one will be okay champ, don't worry.. Come we will eat something nah?

Arav looked down at his lap - No Bhaiyu I'm not hungry..

Viraj sighed sadly - But you need food... Come nah please pretty please..?

Aru looked at Viraj bhaiyu's puppy eyes with an open mouth. Why is he so weak with cute faces?.

His Dev Bhai.

His Aditya.

Now this Viraj Bhai.

Sometimes this is why he loves his Karan bhaiya's stern look more !.

Arav mentally palmed his face and left with him.

Rajiv sadly smiled . In this situation he is more than greatfull for the way his Viraj handling  Arav .

Viraj's mom, Suman came after completing the check up.

Suman (having a small smile) - Bhaiya, he is Ok now .. He will have a little headache. (Sadly looking at Adi) Poor kid's emotions are very fragile right now. Just talk to him softly. We know nah, Mother is always a very sensitive subject to him.. From childhood, he is closer to her. The first mistake of yours is that you haven't told him that Mirka is not his real mother.

Rajiv looked down helplessly. At that time, he made a major decision in his life. The worst self of him.

After the death of his love, everything around him made him crazy and he took a very long time to get back to his normal self.

Mirka used that time to trap him into her plans.

Suman patting Rajiv's shoulder giving him comfort - Now he is yearning for her love thinking she is his loving mother. So, making him understand her nature is very difficult. Tell him everything softly even though he may get a little shattered by reality .. (in a firm tone) It's needed for his health. He should understand she is a bad sign to his family else she will use him or may manipulate his kindness against him.

Rajiv closed his eyes in frustration, All of this is his fault only. He should have been more understanding towards his child.

Little did he know that his other two sons heard everything hiding behind the pillar not wanting to leave his baby brother... The next second Dev woke up ... They two came to their home with Peter to witness the heartbroken state of their innocent brother.

That day they decided to keep his brother away from things and check everything beforehand not to see their broken brother again....

Flashback end

Dev sighed sadly - That is why I'm fearing bhaiyu. Earlier too, we had told him everything lately which made him reject the reality and behaved being out of control which is totally opposite to his soft nature and even fell from the stairs. And again we are making the same mistake as in the past .

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