Evil Thoughts

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Bella's POV

I sat in a cold chair and watched as these people surrounded my sister. They were stupid to not see just how important I was. A lady came up to me, but I couldn't hear her. Since we had landed there was a buzzing in my ears. The noise kept getting constantly louder. I was dragged along to the car. I didn't pay attention to anything all day long, simply listening to the buzzing in my head. Towards lunch time I started to realize that the buzzing wasn't buzzing. It was a voice. He told me of a plan. A plan to destroy my sister. He only asked me to wait. He told me if I did what he asked he'd be able to finally take the revenge on my sister that she deserved. I would finally be able to be the daughter I dreamed of and my stupid sister would be finally shown for the girl she is. A crazy, manipulative, fake.

Unknown POV (darkness)

I whispered softly in Bella's head. The stupid girl was already so twisted in the head and held such a strong hatred for her sister it was easy to convince her to do my bidding. It was so easy and now I'll be able to control her and the best part is she thinks she's working with me not for me. I chuckled an evil laugh at my thought.

All her ideas are my ideas. Her thoughts are my thoughts. Her opinions and beliefs all belong to me. She had such a weak wall in her mind. It was easy to slip in and control her. I had been able to control so many people, without their knowledge. My best weapon was much stronger than I had thought. He was able to slip away, but not before completing some of my missions for him. Even though I had to change my plans. I would bring the Hale pack down to its knees. I would be able to destroy them, once and for all.


I sat and watched my sister. I had been keeping an eye on her all morning. A feeling of dread washed over me and as she slowly grew a smirk on her face. The look of it made me shudder. However it was gone, before I could even alert the others to the look on her face. I watched my little sister look over at me before smiling sweetly and turning towards her food. She began to eat silently. I looked towards Derek and saw him looking at Bella with a confused look on his face. We looked at each other before sharing a look. If only I could read Bella's mind. Then maybe we could have the ability to help the girl, save the girl, to save us.


A/N: And I'm back!! I should be able to keep writing with minimal interruptions now but I don't know. I had such a blast writing the unknown and Bella's thoughts. If you have any ideas of what I should do let me know.

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