Meet the Older Mr.Hale

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Derek stood beside me protectively while Deaton was cleaning my wound. We were both looking at Scott making sure he wasn't going to do anything stupid. Stiles was sitting beside him and they were looking at Peter while he told us all about how the night went.

"I had met up with Laura in my wolf form. Was irate and not myself. She knew it was me though and helped bring me back from the edge. I had hurt her in the process and by the time I was back to being myself..." he trailed off. We all knew what he had meant though she was dead.

"I got upset," he continued his story. "And took off into the distance with half of the body. That's when I ran into Scott. I bit him not because I wanted to but because I wanted revenge. I wanted it so bad that I had drawn that stupid sign on a animal a couple months ago. I think that's what made Laura come here though."

We all silently sat there and looked at each other.

"What happens now?" Stiles asks

Peter took a deep breath before he replied. "Scott needs an Alpha, Derek needs some form of a pack member, and I need to get rid of this power. I don't trust myself with it." He looks at Derek. "I want you to have the power. Do you accept it?"

We all look towards Derek as we wait for his answer.

"Alright," he finally agrees. "However you and I are going to need to talk," He told me.

30 minutes later

Derek, Peter, and I were all sitting in my car. I stopped the car in front of Derek's place. We all got out and went into the building. And they told me everything about being a werewolf but that as an alpha Derek needed a Luna. He had uncontrollable choices for me. And that was how I became the mother to all my friends.

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