18. Announcement

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Phana enjoy his time with Ming the whole Sunday watching some movies, eating, cleaning the dorm and when Monday comes.

Phana is talking to his friend about what happened to the charity works.

Of course, Phana tell them what happened except he and Ming are official now because they don't talk about yet.

“Oh so the kids there really like you and Ming huh.” Beam said.

Phana smile.
“Yeah. I thought I won't be close to any of them because you know me. I'm not that friendly. My friend is just you and Forth's friends but Mingkwan really help me with them.”

“That's good to hear.”


Ming go to Phana's dorm after the classes. He wants to be with his boyfriend while doing some homework.

Ming opened the door using Phana's key. Phana already give his extra key to him when Phana is staying in his dorm yesterday.

“I'm sorry my room is a little bit messy. I forgot that you will stay here tonight and I got distracted because of the books.”

Ming laughs.
“It's okay, Phana. We still have time for cleaning your room before we sleep.”

“Thank you for understanding, Mingkwan.”

Ming smile.
“Let's eat I bring some Tom Yam from the store nearby.”

“Sure, let me help you with that.” Phana takes the food on Ming's hand and start preparing the dinner.



“Can I tell my friends about our relationship? They asked me earlier what happened to the charity works and I really want to tell them about us but I'm not sure if you are going to let me so I...”

“Actually I was going to asked you the same thing. Can we tell them?”

Ming nods quickly.

Phana nods.
“Let's tell them tomorrow. In your food court.”

“Sure. I'll order some food for you tomorrow.”


“Why are you dragging me to go to engineering food court?!” Kit asked Phana and Beam.

Phana asked them to accompany him to go to engineering to have lunch and since Beam's boyfriend is there he agree while Kit, who doesn't have anyone there glaring at them while protesting.

“To have lunch, kitty.” Beam hold Kit's wrist and drags him to Forth's table.

Phana is behind them.
He sit beside Kit so that Kit can't leave.

“You are all joining us here?” Wan asked.

“Yeah and besides I saw that you all prepare the table for us anyway.” Beam said.

“No, we did not.” Forth said so Beam looks at him confused. “Frenz and Levi is the one who prepare the extra table here. They said they wants to eat with us they even invite their friends.”


“Good afternoon, P's.” the engineering freshman greets them before they sit on the chair.

Ming give the food he ordered to Phana and that's why they all looked at them.

“You buy food for P'Pha?” Neo asked Ming.

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