Chapter 29

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Bella's POV:

I was sure it wouldn't be that hard

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I was sure it wouldn't be that hard. But my body starts trembling with fear whenever I'm near them. The fear of doing something wrong and destroying my whole plan is overwhelming. It follows me everywhere I go. And this is going on for 5 weeks now.

,,Bella, is something on your mind?'', Mother asks me at the dinner table and I notice that I was picking for quite a time in my food without eating anything.

,,Oh, Uhm, no no. I was just thinking about what I could do this evening. You know I don't have anything to do and it's getting kind of boring lately.'' This was actually true. It really was boring...since they stopped every connection to my laptops or phones.

,,Boring?'' my father says with raised eyebrows as if he couldn't believe it ,,But we gave you so many things to do. We bought you paint, and books...and even everything for crocheting.''

,,Do you...want to watch a movie today, Bella?'' my mother places her hand on my fathers hand and looks me into my eyes.

My father looks confused to my mother but she doesn't stop staring at me.

,,Do you even...have time? You've never watched a movie with me because you guys think movies are unrealistic and boring.'' I ask carefully.

„We will make time for you. We haven't spent enough time with each other lately." My mother says and then looks at my father. „Why don't you go and make the living Room cozy, honey?"

The look on fathers face is half amused and half terrified and I don't know how I should intepret this.
It's really strange though. I can't seem to remember one time mother has called father honey.

He goes out of the dining room and the silence is starting to get really uncomfortable but I still want to try out asking her what really is on my mind.


,,Yes?'' she looks up from her food again and I continue talking ,,Mom, what...What do you do in your- in your Job?''

She widens surprised her eyes and stops chewing and I instantly regret asking this question. I know I shouldn't have asked this.
The noise in the living room also stops, which means my dad froze too.

,,Why do you want to know? To judge us? To have a reason to hate us? Do you want us to say it out loud? We are contract killers. But you already knew it so it's no surprise for you.''

She spits those words in my face and I have the urge to run in my room.
„I just wanted to know you better. If you don't want to talk about it like adults then so be it." My voice sounds even without a trace of fear or anything. I'm surprised by this myself.

I stand up and look down at her. „I'm sorry if I was rude just now but I needed to say it once."

I walk into the living room and sit down on the Couch. No matter what happens I will watch the movie. But I still squeeze my arms of fear they might be angry now.
But my mother just walks into the room and sits on the couch next to mine. My dad sits next to me and he starts the movie.
And as it starts I can feel their glance at me but I try to ignore it because I just want to enjoy the movie.

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