Chapter 4

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Lukes pov

,,Is your family away too?" The little rosy cheeky girl asks, sitting next to me on the winter cold ground.
I nod silently.
The little girl starts to sniffle and I look her in the face. Why's she crying?
,,You know...You don't have to be sad" She cries and takes my hand in hers.
,,I don't have a home too. Maybe we can make a home together then, hm?"

How does she want to make a home?

,,Are you hungry?"
She pulls a lolly pop out of her pocket.
,,Take it. I already had one"

I stare at her little hand holding that lolly.
And I feel my heart crunching in pain.
Something sweet...When was the last time my mouth tasted something sweet?

I take it from her and feel an infinite gratitude. My heart feels warmed she's sitting there next to me...

,,I-I would be...glad to make a home with you" I say, surprised by my own voice.
It was a long time since I heard myself speak.
If you are alone the whole time you don't need to speak. You don't have anybody to speak with. So that skill is unnecessary...

The little girls face brightens up and starts smiling when suddenly someone grabs her from behind, pulling her in a black car.
I hear her loud screaming and fighting like from a deep tunnel...This isn't reality.
This isn't reality.
This isn't-

I wake up from my dream and sit straight on my bed.
I hold my hurt head with my hands, still breathing heavily.
What on earth was that for a dream? It was so an actual memory.
And that girl...Something feels off.

I try to pull myself out of the bed to make ready for school.

Mr.Fritz was already waiting in front of the door with the car and I jump into the back seat.
,,Good morning sir"
,,Yeah. What did you find out?" I ask immediately.
,,Ah! Yeah. Hold on" he says while hectically pulls out a paper from his pocket.
,,So: Bella Jardine. She's 17 years old, lives with her family in a small cheap house near school. Moved out because of money problems. No siblings. Her Dad, Peter Jardine, is working at an elementary school. Her mother,-"
,,Yeah yeah yeah, just skip to the important parts!"
,,Yes sir! Bella Jardine can't be the daughter of Peter and Lily. Lily is a barren woman."

So Bella's like me, huh?

,,Maybe she's the kid of Peter?" I ask.
,,Sir, Peter's sterile. They both can't make kids."

,, they probably decided to adopt a kid since they both can't make any.." I slowly make my conclusion.
,,Did you not find anything else?"
,,No. Only these general information. I couldn't find more about this family. Seems just like a normal family without anything important to find out."
,,Okay, thank you Mr.Fitz. You can drive now"

Bellas pov
I wait for him again in front of the gate.
,,HEY!" he shows up from behind, frightening me.
,,Oh Hi!" I smile brightly.

We walk together into the school.
,,And? How are you?" Luke asks happily. His face is literally shining. And so is his whole appearance. Handsome as ever. With his black shirt, making a good contrast to his ocean blue eyes and caramel hair.
I smile back. ,,Good and you"
,,Oh me too! Even better now that I see you"
I blush and hide my face by looking to the ground.
,,Bella say...How's your family to you? I mean your parents...are they nice?"
,,Huh? Uhmm. Yeah. They are nice. Why you asking?" I ask curious and confused at the same time.

,,Ohh nothing. Just wanna learn more about you and your family."

,,Ah. Yeah they're nice. I love them"
,,That's good" he says serious.

After we separate each other to walk to our own classrooms, Brandon shows up on my way.
I try to avoid his gaze but I already now it's useless cause he's walking straight to my direction.
His face serious and angry.
When he reaches me he grabs my wrist secretly from the others and squeezes it as hard as he can and I flinch.
,,Did you tell him?" he whispers in my ear.
,,N-no!" I could only spit out of anxiety.
,,Good for you!" he says and walks away.

I still stand there though and try to relax my breathing, when I hear loud screams from the hallway.
What's going on?
Should I just walk away or should I look?

This sounds like Luke!

I run around the corner from where the screams come from and see a bloody Brandon, pressed against the wall by Luke.
I let a little scream out and clap my hands on my mouth to suppress it.
He's killing him!

Lukes face, distorted by rage and punching Brandon again and again in his face without any break.
And this scene surrounded by scared and trembling people, not daring to near them. Or to even help Brandon.
His eyes aren't even open anymore!

,,He's outta control again! Someone must do anything or it'll happen the exact same as 1 year ago" someone whispers scared from next to me.

I can't do anything! There's nothing I can do!
So I hide between the scared crowd and observe silently the scene.

But I can't look at it anymore. Brandons face became deface. He's not recognizable anymore.

I run out of the people and grab Lukes arm.
,,FUCK OFF" he screams and kicks me away.
I fall to the ground and my eyes begin to tear.
I sniffle and stand up again to run away.
Not looking back anymore.
Just straight out of school.

That was dump. Just dump. I'm an idiot! As if that would've solved this problem!!

Lukes pov
It's her. FUCK it is her.
I heard her sniffle on the ground and memories shot back in my head at that noise.

My dream. The girl. Why she was so familiar to me...
It's because we already met. 9 years ago.
And I couldn't rescue her.
I watched her. When they grabbed her. Throw her in the car. And slapped her to keep shut. I watched it silently. Sitting on the ground. Cause I knew I wasn't strong enough to do anything.
But she was the one who gave me hope. Hope to make a home one day. To find it and make it my home. She was the one who showed me that you can dream of that even though you lost all you trust into life.
Since that day I thought every single day of making a home and feel that warmth again that I felt with her in these couple of seconds. When she reached that lolly pop with her little hand.
How could I forget?

I wipe my bloody hand on my jeans and let Brandon fall.
I don't even give a glance to him, I just start running. To her direction.

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