Rajah, with Abu, True and Iago on his back, is near the window. He sees Sadira and jumps out. Sadira rushes to the window. Rajah jumps on the wall and then over it into the city.


Sabir runs in.

"What is it, your highness?"

He bows.

"Catch those animals and bring them to me. We can't let them ruin our plan."

Sabir sighs, thinking about his life.

"Yes, princess."

He runs out the room and Y/N comes in and sees this.

"What's going on?"

"N-Nothing, my dear friend. You should go and help Sabir catch your animal friends. They ran off and I'm worried for them." Sabir lied with a smile.

Y/N looks at her oddly and nods.


She runs after Sabir, who gives her a grateful smile.


Back on the streets of Agrabah, citizens are running around screaming when they spot Rajah.

"Tiger! Tiger! Ah! Run! Run!"

They continue to flee as Rajah pounces his way here and there, growling at their fear. The guards, including Sabir and Y/N are behind them as Rajah looks back. Then, he sees an apple cart coming right in his path. He head-butts it and apples fly everywhere, as does the merchant with the cart. The merchant floats through the air, and then lands in Sabir's arms.



He places the merchant down to the side.

Rajah, Iago, True, and Abu are still running away. They reach a safe distance and out of view, so they stop, panting. Iago jumps off Rajah's back.

"You are not easy to hide with, you know that? I don't hear any people screaming, "Parrot, Parrot!""

Rajah looks at him, and then chomps at him and puts him in his mouth. True snickers at the sight.

"Hey! Hey! I thought we had an agreement!" Iago screamed inside Rajah's mouth.

Abu jumps off Rajah's back and then scolds him in his monkey talk. Rajah opens his mouth and unrolls his tongue, which had Iago wrapped up. Iago, covered in tiger drool, hits the floor.

"Eeewww, tiger drool."

He shakes off, then looks around.

"Hey! I think we lost them!"

Just as he says so, a net pulls put from under them and catches them, then pulls them up.

"Then, again, maybe not."

The two guards Nahbi and Fazal, at the top of the building they were next to, jump to the ground, with the ropes in their hands to pull the animals up higher. Sabir and Y/N runs over.

"Take them to the palace. Princess Sadira will deal with them... personally."

"Whoa! Wait a minute! I thought she said she's worried for them. Plus, they're my friends." Y/N said, slightly glaring at Sabir.

"I-I mean..."

"Here, let me help you all get out of this."

The animals sigh in relief as Y/N goes to help when suddenly, barrels drop on all their heads - one barrel per guard. Y/N luckily dodged that on time. After each guard is stuck in a barrel, a young women drops down. Jasmine is shown, wearing a brown, torn, dress that goes a little above her knee and a shoulder ripped a little. She's also wearing a rope in place of her usual headband.

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