~ SandSwitch ~

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It's nighttime in Agrabah. The palace is shown, with the moon lighting up the corner. There stood the view of a tower on the outskirts of the city. Sadira walks towards the balcony to look at the palace. She pulls out a bag from her shirt as she speaks.

"This time, it will work."

Sabir approaches her unsurely.

"Are you sure this will work? I don't think it'll last."

"Be quiet. I know what I'm doing."

She pours the blue sand out of the bag and into her hand.

"Aladdin will be mine! And Y/N will be yours, brother! Agrabah- let the mystic shifting sand bring the changes I demand. City sleep throughout the night. My dream is born at morning's light!"

The sand floats in the breeze to cover the city as she speaks the spell.


Light dawns on the palace as it focuses on the city portion of the landscape.
Genie is dressed as Captain Ahab.

"Arh! Moby Dick! Come thee here and meet thy doom!"

He's on the side of a fountain. He looks up as a huge, white whale emerges from the water in the fountain.


Aladdin and Y/N are sitting on the side of the fountain, and Aladdin shakes his head at the whale. The whale growls at Genie and gets closer as Genie raises his spear.

"Quit fooling around Genie."

His arms are crossed as he raises his eyebrows. Genie looks up at the whale and vice versa.

"Ah, we never get to have any fun!" Moby Dick said in the voice of a not-so-killer-whale.

"Cool it! I'll see you at recess."

The whale smiles and jumps up into the air, then splashes into the fountain. Aladdin and Y/N turns to Iago, True and Abu.

"You three are awfully quiet this morning..."

"Yeah, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, something's not right today..."

Iago scratches his head.

"Yea..." Abu agreed.

"It's as if... someone put a spell or something." True said.

"Yeah, it's as if reality's fabric has been twisted by grotesque forces beyond our comprehension!" Iago exclaimed.

Abu looks puzzled and lets out a monkey-type gasp.

"Or maybe it was that takeout falafel we had last night."

"Oh." Abu and True said.

"Well, everything seems fine to me." Aladdin shrugged.

"Or it will, when the princess gets here, hey Al..."

Genie jabs Aladdin with his elbow, his eyebrows raising and lowering.

"Well, yeah."

"Especially that special guard of yours, N/N..."

Y/N smiled, blushing a little.

"So where is her serene highness, anyway? I've got better things to do than to wait around for her!" Iago said.

"Well, hello, Aladdin."

Sabir comes, dressed in Jasmine's turquoise outfit, save the headband. Iago places a hand on his forehead.

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