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"Are you going to help me or not?"


"Hurry! A side of this box can't lift itself!" Iris skidded to a stop on the other side of the box facing her mom. "'bout time." Her mom said. Iris rolled her eyes and helped pick up the box. She helped her mom load it onto the moving truck parked outside of her house. Iris didn't know where they were moving, just that it was still in the same place, Oakland, and she would still be able to go to the same high school, Oakland Tech. At least I won't have to make any new friends. She thought, following her mom back into the house to get more boxes. Her two younger siblings were running around playing. Jackson, who was eight years younger than Iris, was chasing Suzie, ten years younger, in a game of tag. Iris set a box into the back of the truck.

"Do we really have to move?" Iris asked.

"Yes." Her mom said. "We don't have that much money to pay for rent. This place is gigantic."

"Did your boss not give you your money?" Iris asked. Her mom nodded. "If you need me to knock some sense into him, you just have to ask."

"I don't need you to 'knock some sense into him', Iris." Iris' mom said. "That would get me fired." Her phone buzzed from a text. Iris got a chance to read it before her mom put her phone into her pocket. It said: Melissa, get to work now. We need you. "Can you finish the packing?" Iris' mom, Melissa, asked. "All the big boxes are already inside." Iris nodded.

"Sure mom." She said.

"Oh also, Suzie has a playdate at her friend Rian's house at 2:00 so can you bring her?" Melissa asked.

"I will." Iris said. "You just have to give me Suzie's friend's address." Melissa nodded.

"I'll text it to you ten minutes before you have to go." She ran to her car and got into it, driving off. Iris finished packing up the moving truck and closed it.

"Jackson, Suzie, get in here." Iris called.

"Where's mommy?" Suzie asked. She had a lisp because she had recently lost her two front teeth.

"She's at work." Iris said, putting Suzie's blonde hair into two little pigtails. "Come on, let's get inside."

"Will I still be able to go to Rian's?" Suzie asked.

"Yeah, I'll take you." Iris said. Suzie grinned toothily.


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Iris knocked on Suzie's friend's front door. The door opened to show a mid-40 year old woman with black hair. She smiled.

"You must be Suzie's older sister." She said. Iris nodded.

"I am." She said.

"It's nice to meet you." The woman said. Suzie greeted the woman and went off to find Rian. "How's your mother?" Rian's mom asked.

"She's good." Iris said. "We have to move and she has to work a lot."

"Is her boss still cheating her out of her money?"

"Yes, Maurise is still doing that." Iris said. "I offered to help but she said she didn't want to get fired." Rian's mom nodded.

"I'm Claire by the way." She said.

"It's nice to meet you Claire."

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Iris was hurriedly taking notes in her math class. Her and the other sophomore's had a big test coming up in math and Iris had to study. Her teacher was scribbling a math problem across the board.

"Okay class, I would like you to try and solve this equation. This is a true or false question." He said. Iris copied it down. Y + 15 = 3o, y = 20. Iris easily wrote down the answer. False. "I'd also like you to solve the problem the correct way." y = 15.

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Iris' next class was P.E. Outside the locker rooms when Iris was walking to the gym, her best friend Jasmine ran up. Jasmine had black and purple hair.

"We're going to play basketball against the seniors!" She exclaimed. "That's why we're going to the gym!"

"I know, Jasmine." Iris said.

"Every time we've played them, they've barely betten us." Jasmine said.

"Yeah, but this is basketball.' Iris said, opening the door to the gym. "We beat them in basketball."  

Stay with me 'till the world endsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon