"Yes, Hazel. Make it quick" Ms. Mitchell says, allowing me to go to the bathroom.

I get up and leave the class, walking down the deserted halls.

Avery made me eat her breakfast, and the need to get it out was unbearable.

I made it to the bathrooms and went into the stall.

I checked the other stalls, making sure I was alone, so I can make myself throw up.

I kneel down and clutch my stomach before gagging into the toilet.

After a few minutes I hear the door to the bathroom being opened, and in came a bunch of girls.

"Remember, my party is on Friday" one girl says.

"I can't wait to party my ass off" another girl comments.

The second voice I recognized as Luna Matter, one of the rudest girls in this school.

I slowly get up, careful not to make noise, and since on the toilet.

"Did anyone bring a smoke?" Someone asks.

"Yea, check the stalls before you light it, I don't want to miss Monica's party if we get caught" Luna instructed.

My heart started racing as I lifted my feet up, in attempt to hide that I was in here.

"Hey, who's in here?" Luna calls out, standing in front of my stall door.

I shut my eyes tightly, hoping they wouldn't try and see who was in here.

"Don't be shy" Luna sang.

I stayed quiet.

The bathroom fell silent for a bit. I was about to put my feet down, but the lights shut off. Surrounding me in complete darkness.

"Bloody Mary! Bloody Mary! Bloody Mary!"

Everyone started chanting Bloody Mary as something poured down on my head. Drenching me in the freezing cold liquid as I screamed.

The lights turned back on, revealing the girl holding a bucket, looking into my stall from the one next to me.

I get up and run past the girls as they laughed.

I couldn't go back to class soaking wet, or walk home because my dad would think I'm skipping.

I ran down the hallway towards the gymnasium. I could change into my gym clothes for the rest of the day.

I open the door and walk in.

Everyone was busy playing dodge ball, so I walked over to one of the coaches.

"Excuse me?" I shiver due to how cold the gym was.

"Yes Hazel- woah what happened?" Coach asks, looking genuinely concerned.

"I just need to change into my gym clothes"

He nods and leads me over to the locker rooms.

I go in and go straight to my locker.

Once I finish changing I close my locker and sit in front of it, hugging my knees to my chest for more warmth.

I'm probably going to get a cold soon, due to the cold water and my bad health.

I let out a sigh and a few tears, weeping into my knees.


I looked up at the sound of the voice. I thought I was in here alone?

"Hello?" I call back, my voice echoing through the locker room.


The voice sounded like it was coming from the back of the locker room, near the showers.

I get up and slowly walk towards the showers.

I stop in the entrance way and glance around.


My voice bounced off the walls of the compacted area, making it seem louder than it actually was.

I was about to step further into the showers when I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me jump.

"Jesus, Hazel what are you doing in here?" Avery asks, searching my face for an answer.

"Luna and her friends dumped water on me in the bathroom. I had to change into my gym clothes" I answer her.

"Well hurry up back to class, the bell for 6th period is about to ring" she informs me.

We hug before I awkwardly walk past the other girls getting dressed and walk out the locker room and to my class.

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